I win

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Tyler POV-

A little after Troye spanked my ass I still felt tingles of pain right where he spanked, It's okay though because I like it. Right now he's playing with my ass, spreading them then releasing them. I turn back to watch him but all I can see now is his hunched back and face in my ass. Soon enough I feel his tongue lightly licking my asshole, up and down. Even in circles. I moan after each lick, savouring the pleasure he's giving me.

"Troye...please..." He keeps his face in my ass, but takes his hand and brings it hard down on my ass spanking me again. I don't flinch this time, because I purposely got him to do that.

"The name isn't Troye fuckBoi, it's Daddy. We went over this." Troye shoves a finger into my ass hitting my sweet spot making me feel weak, but I continue knowing what I'm dong will earn me the Dominant part in the sex craving, horny ass gay couple sex.

"Mhm....please Troye just thrust into me already." I pause and gasp reaching for air as Troye shoves in a second finger; his middle finger. Which is longer than the other finger he was using so now I can feel more pinpoint pressure on my prostate, "Troye...please...I may be a tight son of a bitch but I need your full on dick thrusting into my body...Im serious I can't wait much longer."

Just getting those words nearly nocked the breath out of me.

Oh my god...

"Holy. Fuck. Troye."

Troye curved his hips in a circular motion, making his hard member bang into different sweat spots making me moan uncontrollably. Though when Troye catches himself moaning uncontrollably he picks up the pace, putting his right hand of my left cheek steadying himself as he looks downwards to watch the way he pounds into me.

Troye POV-

Tyler is a tight little whore. Though I love the way he clenches himself around me, making me work harder to get myself in him. So far he's losing. Soon enough he gives up and just pulls on the restraints as I'm guessing that he is about to hit his climax.

not yet baby...

"You like that huh? Me sliding my dick in and out of you..." Tyler tries to say something through his moans but he fails to. "What did you say fuckboi?" I spank him softly, careful to not ruin his rising climax. He takes his hand and starts to jerk himself off as I continue to slam my hips into his perfectly fitting frame. Even the clapping sound of our skin is perfect.

I felt a trickle of pre-cum flow down my bullocks, no sir. I am not cumming to plain vanilla sex. I pull out and not to any surprise Tyler gasp and starts to whine, "Why'd you stop?" My hands did all the work with untying him, while I just mainly focused on him. "Because we're not going out like this." Tyler's smiled grew, then he licked my lips looking down at my abused boner.

I shook my finger no, "No sir. Sit and swing your legs over the bed." He does what I tell him too and also does me a favor by spreading his legs open. Though just in case he gets sensitive I hold them open with my hands to keep them from closing. Slowly I take my tongue and swirl it around the tip of his head. When Tyler starts to throw his head back and moan in satisfaction I take it up a notch by sucking halfway of his fairly sized member.

Soon he starts to dig his fingers into my back, thrusting into my mouth.

Come on Tyler...Unload....

Finally I take him all in, choking myself just a tiny bit but not so much that I can't take it. I bob my head up and down along his member. Going faster and faster to keep up with his moans.

"Tro-..Troye...I'm almost..the-..there.."

Tyler POV-

I start to pre-cum a little in Troyes mouth, I can tell that he notices because his suck on the tip of my dick. Then switches to licking my slit softly making it tickle a little bit.

My stomach starts to boil inside slowly making the pleasure fall down to my member. Soon I feel a threatened need to cum rise.


He understand what I meant, so takes his mouth off and pumps my boner. He pumps faster than his head could so the boil it my stomach and dick heat up more and fill with cum that about to burst all in Troyes face...

"Troye.." I stutter so bad that he probably doesn't even understand me. "I-...I-...So...Sor-...Sorry.."

Then in one instant I burst all in his face. letting it all just squirt out of me. I look at him and giggle.

"I warned you."

He whispers a "I know."'and takes me all in just one more time to suck off all the cum that didn't make it onto him.

"Fuck Troyr. Warn a Brother."

In an instant we both start laughing, i then sadly realized a sticky substance in Troyes other hand.

"Did you jerk off to me?" I was a little mad but I actually feel great about that because I made him cum....and in some sort of a way...I win.

He smirks at me and nods, sticking a finger in my mouth smothered in his own cum

After getting cleaned up Troye and I spoon in our bed, though when I roll over to my side to rub my ass from after sex pain.. I feel myself roll over metal. My face heats up and a smile spreads across my face when I realize what they are.

I whisper to myself.. "Next time it'll be you cuffed to this bed.." Troye flopped over to face the back of my head and then laying an arm across me, scooting me towards him. A shiver runs down my spine as I feel his breath against my neck.

"You wish."


Yush I know I said 4 chapters but tbh I would have never gotten this done then >.<

butttttttttt (bumsecks :3 Thx Thegreenflamingo ) I hope you guys like it! Tell me if you guys would enjoy me doing another one but another ship? Let meh know -.• (Pst my Twitter is TouchMyOakley )

Question of the day!
How many times did the word shit or fuck come to mind reading this whole story?


Okay Hi. Its 7:1:15 (for those who read this later on, way past the date.) and I just was reading this all over again and I am sorta just sitting here laughing at myself for all the mistakes in this. Like Oh mai GaWD it's so embarrassing but yet I am too lazy to change any of it. So I mean. Eh. I will live, but I'm writing this just to say sorry for all the mistakes and everything.. and also sorry if I took some scenes too far.. but tbqh this IS a bondage/BDSM type thing so.. Yet again I hope you enjoyed it.

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