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I'm very sorry that this isn't an update, but I need somewhere to kinda just rant and get this all out of my system and hope someone listens.

So for the past two days I've been keeping in all my opinions and thoughts regarding the Orlando Mass shooting. First off, why?

Why go into a nightclub and shoot at an open crowd of 300-350 people? What fucking drives people to stuff like this? I mean I'm just so curious to know what goes on in their head before they do whatever horrendous act of terror among innocent people. I mean what what do they think? Are they just like "oh yeah well I mean I hate to do this but in my psychotic fucking mind I need to"? I mean Jesus Christ, why? That's all I want to know at this point is why.

I woke up at 3 o'clock in the afternoon because I stayed up the whole night before and I was looking at all my Twitter notifications and I just freaked out. I had no idea what was going on I had no idea what happened and why all these tweets about Orlando was just spamming on my lock screen. I got on Twitter and I saw a news article that someone had quoted and immediately I read it because the front headline was Orlando mass shooting. Within five seconds of reading I was just in straight tears. I mean there there's nothing to explain what I felt in that very moment. It was just like a mix of anger and confusion and hatred and sadness.. I've never felt anything like it before.

Now, there's just one thing that's really pissing me the fuck off about these homophobics. Like I have people from my own fucking school saying, "No I'm not gonna tweet or post anything on Instagram about it." But why?, "because their gay, and I don't support what they are."

Um.. What??

This isn't about the fact they are gay, it has to do with the fact that FOURTY-NINE FUCKING PEOPLE WERE SHOT TO DEATH & FIFTY-THREE INJURED. If you can't find the time to at least say, I'm sorry for your loss or my condolences are with you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Just people in general, Fuck. You. Your family and friends are all alive and safe and happy and healthy and the fact you can't even understand that even though they were LBGTQ+, they were people. They were as human as the rest of us. They deserve empathy, respect, kindness, remorse, love, prayers (doesn't matter what religion you are), even a thought if you aren't religious, just as much as the rest of us. And if you think otherwise, you're a fucking pig.

Okay so, I wrote this a bit ago, and my anger kinda just sprawled all out into this.. And this isn't directed towards you guys it just has to do with people who found the worst mass shooting in US history as if it was nothing. I didn't get to write my support part of it till now. So here I go.

I'm so sorry if you have been affected by this tragic event, my condolences are with you. Though know that this may have shook the LBGTQ+ community, but it will not break us. We are stronger (in my opinion) than any other community out there. Together, hand-in-hand we will fight for what's right and make sure that it's not only "prayers and thoughts" that we are receiving, but actually action to change the way we the US has been running. Hopefully the message might get out there with 49 people dead and 53 injured, Gun Control. If anyone that has power will finally come to their senses and voice us out, then it'll be a miracle.. And I believe in miracles. I believe that it can happen and will happen.

Okay so really that's all I have to say. You guys don't have to respond to this or anything.. It was just my way of "talking to someone" and getting the relief feeling from it.

I love being gay, and I love all of you.

{A lot of you guys told me not to delete this so I won't.}

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