Chapter 3: Spring

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Today, 0x/x0/xxxx

The weather is so nice and very refreshing, spring, it's so...lovely.

1st period of class and the classroom look so gloomy, I didn't bother to find out and just sat there next to the window while flipping pages.

1st period pass by and then next and so on. The lunch break was crowded at the cafeteria so I just head back to the classroom and when I got there, there was a person with the same red hair as mine but much more brighter like the sunset.

"Cale Barrow!"

It is as the other person called him, Cale Barrow.

I just sat there near the window as usual and take my seat whenever I feel like doing nothing, another loud bang resounded the classroom and the door burst open with a loud voice of another person. Seems like they're the people he usually hang out with.

"Sayeru, you don't need to destroy the door, you just need to open it with your hand then fvck off before I could hit you, you're interrupting my nap."

"Hey! What do you mean nap?! Let's go to the karaoke bar!"

"Cale Barrow, you may not be a model student but today's your birthday! You gotta stand up man and celebrate it!"

"Dorph is right! Ya hear him? Let's just skip class! the teacher won't be entering today's class anyway."


I couldn't hear them clearly as I fell into a deep sleep but something reached my ears.

"-first...need to do..."


It's almost time for the class to end, I just flipped the book and take some notes, I remember the lollipop I brought this morning and unwrapped one and shove it in my mouth half-heartedly.

'It's too sweet.'


Finally it's over, I packed my things and ready to exit when I heard the homeroom teacher's voice.

"-your grades is so-so, you need to improve a lot if you want to graduate, stop cutting classes and avoid getting into troubles. I'm trying my best as your Homeroom teacher to help you out so please cooperate."

"... I'm trying to study but I just really couldn't get it."

"Then better get a tutor, trying isn't enough you need to do your best or else you couldn't go anywhere from where you are standing now."

"Yes, yes, I got it-"

Cale Barrow, with a nonchalant face turned his head at my direction after the homeroom teacher beckoned me to come over.

"Mr. Henituse, great timing!"

I don't know what's happening but I just follow and come over.

"Yes...what can I help?"

Cale Barrow on the other hand, had a somewhat odd expression on his face.

"I'll be assigning you as Mr. Barrow's tutor from today on, if it is okay with you?"

' 'What...?' '


"Great! You'll be in his care starting tomorrow, if you have any questions just come to me! I need to go!"



"Hello! Yes babe! I'm coming, I'm coming!"

' 'What the hell is this situation?' '

As if sharing the same feeling, they both think of the exact thing.

" "..." "

' awkward.'


Cale Henituse, whose the same red hair as him first broke the silence.

"Then, If you have any questions, just come to me."


He just nodded his head at Cale's remark. He felt something is missing and rummaged through his pocket.

"Ah, here"

Cale Henituse, who is about to turn around looked back to the person handing him something.


"I forgot to return it back to you the other day."

"...Thank you."

He took the ballpen from his hand gently and walked away without turning back.

"Huu... that's it."


Cale Henituse has always been alone, sometimes that Choi Han guy nor that blondie hang out with him but at the end of the day he just sat there, always in that chair right next to the window.

He don't usually talk and has an atmosphere where one could not stand but became the top of the class. One day in the middle of lecture, the professor brought a topic where we needed to take notes of the important parts and I got scolded off while everyone is whispering as I don't have a pen and ended up ruining the lecture. And so, a voice that is very rare to hear spoked up with gentle but cold tone.

The professor thanked him and hurried me to take the pen from him, and when the very tip of my finger touched his, I slightly flinched not because of his reaction, he wasn't even paying attention to me and just waited until the professor started, rather, it was warm, it's warm that you could tell that the body's still alive, no, to say it clearly, his body temperature is the exact opposite of his outside personality.

That was the reason why I got intrigued and now keeping an eye on him.


"Sayeru and Dorph, they should still be there right now."

'I asked them to go first and that there's something I needed to do so they must still be there at the karaoke bar.'

I was starting to pack my things when the door slightly open. There was a head with a red-blood colored hair peeping over here.


Our eyes met and he walked over where I was sitting. He took something from his pocket and placed it on the table in front of me.



"...A lollipop?"

"It's strawberry flavor, I heard it's your birthday today."


"I'm looking forward on working with you, let's do our best."

And then as if my heart is about to burst, he slowly closed the door and bow his head before turning back without any regrets.

"Shit... I'm in big trouble..."


He unwrapped the candy that's said to be strawberry in flavor, he doesn't like sweet stuff but eventually shoved it in his mouth.

He's mind is as clear as the water and sky as he head back straight at home while feeling very refreshed for the first time in a while.



-It's very short but I hope you like it!

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