Chapter 14: Somewhere Beyond TCF

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Under the pillar of tree where the sunlight casted scattering the shadows on the ground, a dazzling blond hair of a boy fluttering underneath the crystal clear sky shone radiantly.

Following another two boys who appeared to be the youngest with charcoal black hair covering the forehead portion who looked rather carefree and the other one whose giving off a prickly attitude as he walked arm crossed without paying much attention to the blonde hair who's rushing them up over.

Acts like a middle child would.

"Hyung-nim, the sun is is at its apex right now. It feel like I'm being roasted."

"Hyuuuung!! There are countless ducks around here-yahh!"

Alberu approach the grumbling Cale and tossed a basket waffling of salivating aroma. 'Ooh cookies. Goodie.'

The bloody red hair that contrasts the green grassland stood out firmly underneath the sun.

"We're almost there, you see that lake? I heard from Hans about this place so you better keep your mouth shut."

"uhh uhng."

Nom nom nom..

"Hurry up! The salmons should be swarming at this point on."

"Yassrre... Che Yhn wa mourrbyng." (Choi Han we're moving)

At the call of his name, he ran and followed forth his hyung-nims's direction dangling the two duck's necks  strangled in his grip.

"Are we eating something nice?"

"Yes, yes."

"Can we roast this?"



Laying the fabric just beside the clear water, Alberu responded back to Choi Han as the latter put on a strange face that makes him feel a bit uncomfortable to refuse.

"I'll be back, don't follow."

Choi Han looked at the back of the redhead who silently took a sack of bag while suppressing his snickering voice.

"Nature will be browk after this."

Hearing what the youngest had said, Alberu silently thought to himself with a nonchalant expression.

'Somehow this feels so similar. I could pretty much pic​tur​esque the world tree shaking as if having a seizure.'

"Just stay away from his business. It's not something suitable for children."

"Alwrighty then! Let's slit these ducklings throat fawrst before anything else and prowceed!"

Looking at the young boy whose age no more than ten years old spitting coarse words casually made it appears like I'm an irresponsible adult family. (age no more than 16 lmao)

'Am I the only sane one here? Why is my family like this?'



The sounds of pebbles clashing against each other reverberated the desolated area. As the splashing sound of the water continued, the sound of the pebbles clashing intensifies even more.

He squatted and wetted his pants including his latte white sleeves as he submerged his arms underwater and rummage through the stone-like shiny objects.

"Gold! Aahahahhahaah it truly is a gold! Now this is hard work!"

Another golden object in a size of a fist was caught by his hand, and another one, one again, and another one until the sack of bag grow bulky.

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