Chapter 2 Greendale 2/4 (Theo Putnam & Robin Goodfellow POV)

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AN: Let's just get this over with.

AN: Let's just get this over with

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Theo has a secret to tell.


These mornings have to stop, he thought. It was one more morning that he has his head over the toilet bowl, the contents of his stomach being forced out. His throat burns uncomfortably until there was nothing left in his stomach.

It's fine... He hoped that that everything was fine. It's just a stomach virus, he thought.

There was a polite knock on the bathroom door. This was beginning to become a routine. "Theo?"

"I'm fine, Robin. I'll be right out." Of course his boyfriend was worried. Theo had lost count how many days had started just like this. He weakly got up, carefully put the toilet lid down while his legs were shaking violently. He made it to the bathroom sink.

He stumbled. Luckily he managed to grab the sink, before his head hit the white porcelain. A passing thought of I could've died bubbled up in his mind but he was too sick, and too tired, and way too sick and tired of being sick to give that thought any weight.

Theo couldn't help but think sarcastically, that at least if he had died, he wouldn't feel as bad as he did now. He chuckled darkly and looked up to see himself in the mirror.

Black circles around his eyes. Pale skin. He looked like death. Felt like it too. A faint headache. It hurt to swallow, and even his nose burned. No wonder his dad, and his amazing boyfriend, both had been so worried about him lately. He'd be worried too if he saw someone look like this.

He knew that Robin was going to try to get him to go to the hospital again. He just hadn't asked again because Robin knew what he would say. Same answer he had said when Robin had asked him to maybe go and get checked by one of the witches. His answer to Robin had been a strong "I'm fine" before he had explained that Robin hadn't been mortal for that long, while he had been one for his entire life. So he knew his mortal body. And he knew when he was seriously sick, and this was normal.

He wondered, like he had for days, what Robin would say if he knew the truth. His thoughts were betraying him and he shook his head weakly. He managed to find the truth that he was avoiding. Again. Just like yesterday, he was just sitting on the toilet and staring at the written words but not reading them.

Theo thought about how Robin had wanted to argue with him when he had refused to get checked, saying everything was fine, but he had stopped himself. Because one thing that Robin knew about him was how stubborn he could be. He jumped when he heard two bangs on the door. He instinctively closed his eyes, his heart was pounding in his chest. His dad's way of telling him to stop wasting time and get out.

The faint smell of food being cooked, had made it's way from the kitchen and into the bathroom. As soon as he smelled that, Theo's stomach growled. He was so hungry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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