The bars shut as Adler and Kambe were thrown into the cell along with many other inmates. Everyone sat in silence until one of them nicknamed Caprisun spoke up.
Caprisun: "heyy, what you in here for?"
???: My cousin told me she wanted to meet other people, so I cut her legs off. Now she can't walk no more. Y'all can call me Rollin."
Rollin: "yo Rocker, tell them what you did."
A young man stood up.
Rocker: "stabbed my professor 60 times for making me answer all his questions."
Rocker: "how about you over there?"
A Japanese man stood up.
???: "私は寿司を買うためにガソリンスタンドに行きましたが、彼らはエビだけを持っていたので、私は所有者を誘拐し、彼を殺しました."
Everyone was confused out of their mind, trying to find out what he had said. Then some subtitles appeared in the center of the cell.
Subtitles: I went to the gas station to buy sushi, but they only had shrimp, so I kidnapped the owner and killed him.
Adler: "we need to make up a story, we're gonna get beat up!"
Kambe: "Don't worry, I got this :)."
Rollin looked at him and said
"what y'all in here for?"
Kambe: "Murder. All the way to the 30th degrees. So much we got a phd for murder."
Adler: "Tell them how you killed him."
Kambe: "Oh I'll tell them how I killed him, I chopped his dick off and I ate it."
Adler: "With uhh tapatio."
Rocker: "huh. Spicy dicks."
Rollin: "wait hold up where'd you do this?"
Adler: "Phnom Penh."
Kambe: "no no but like an hour out of Phnom Penh. There's like a village out there."
So far the story was believable, only one last of it needed to be done.
Kambe: "Well we had to stop by Phnom Penh to kill 2 MORE PEOPLEEEE."
Rocker: "2 more, and how did you do that?"
On instinct, Adler said "my thumb."
Kambe: (oh shit what were you thinking?!)
Adler: (I got this, don't worry)
The little pp degenerate bible for weebs
General FictionA nice story with some crossovers.