Chapter 4- Rude awakening.

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I get rudely awakened by someone shouting at me and opening the curtain above me.
"Wake up Brooke we have practice." Mary say pulling the covers off me. I groan loudly.
"Who let you in." I say.
"I have a key remember but your dad did." She smirk. I sit up and wipe my eyes.
"I need coffee before I do anything." I say kicking my legs off the side of the bed. I get up and stretch my arms and legs. I walk to my doorway with no door.
"You coming?" I ask.
"Nope I'll get your clothes." She smile.
"Nothing revealing." I point.
"Okay now move your ass Tonio can't keep our spot forever." She say shooing me away. Tonio Bernadaz is or was one of my mothers dance friends, so you can imagine the things he does for me. One birthday he gave me one of moms old dance dress. I still have it actually. He owns a gym and a dance studio. Dad normally goes to the gym there. I make my way downstairs to the kitchen. I see dad cooking breakfast.
"Morning dad." I say in between a yawn.
"Morning Speedy." He say pausing his cooking and giving me a kiss on the forehead. I walk over to the coffee machine and pour myself a mug. I go to the fridge and grab the milk. I pour a little in and then I put two sugars in. I put the milk back and go to the cupboard and grab the caramel sauce. I pour a fair bit of it in my coffee. My mother used to drink this and ever since she introduced it to me I've been obsessed. Call me a little weird.
"Just like you mother." My dad chuckle. I smile at him. I take my coffee and go to the living room. I walk in see Jenifer. I roll my eyes and sit in the opposite side of the couch away from her. I start watching the tv.
"Slacking off again today I see." She say smugly.
"Not as much as you." I reply. She scoff and go back to her book. I finish my coffee and take it to the kitchen and put it in the dishwasher. I make my way up the stairs to my bedroom. I get in and see Mary on my laptop.
"Took you long enough." She say shutting it down. I roll my eyes and grab my dancing clothes and I make my way to my small bathroom. I change.

*My clothes* I said nothing to revealing but whatever

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*My clothes*
I said nothing to revealing but whatever. I come out and I grab a white loose tank top to put over the top. I grab my dance shoes and put them in a small backpack I then grab a hair tie and put my hair in a secure bun.

 I grab my dance shoes and put them in a small backpack I then grab a hair tie and put my hair in a secure bun

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*My hair*
I spray the flyaways down with hair spray. I slip my all black converses back on and I grab my phone and speaker and head downstairs with Mary.
"Dad I'm going to Tonio's." I shout.
"Wait are you gonna dance?" He say coming out of the living room. I nod my head. I see a smile grow on his face.
"Be careful and no lifts." He say crossing his arms.
"I doubt Mary could lift me." I say.
"Hey! I'm right here." She say a little offended. We all laugh a little. I wave goodbye and get in her car. We drive to the gym. I get out. I get major deja vu from being here. I take a breath to calm myself. As we walk in all the men started looking at us. I roll my eyes and try and find Tonio. I see him spotting a buff guy.
"Hey Toni!" I smile.
"Are my eyes deceiving me is that you Brooke." He say. I nod my head smiling. He wastes no time in embracing me in a hug. I also hug him back.
"What can I do for you two?" He say also hugging Mary.
"We would like to borrow the dance studio please." Mary say pouting her lips. He chuckle at her.
"Follow me." He say nodding his head. We go to the back corner of the gym and go up to stairs. There's a long hallway just like before. We go past the men's locker room and the woman's. We come to a set of double glass doors. Great now everyone's gonna see me dancing. Anyway I'll cover it somehow.
"Here you are ladies." Toni say pushing them open. I walk in and take a huge breath.
"You can plug your phone in there to charge and connect the speakers to the surround sound." He say.
"That's new." I say turning around to face him.
"A lot has changed my estrella." He say before leaving. Toni's Spanish so estrella means 'star' because me and Mary were his star students, but he called Mary his brillar which means 'shine' because she was the bright one of us. I put my bag down and somehow connected my speaker to the Bluetooth surround sound and I connected my phone to the speaker. I go to my Spotify and scroll through different songs to dance to until I come across a song to dance to. All while Mary was pulling the curtains over a little to conceal us dancing.

(The blonde one is Brooklyn and the brunette is Mary. Sorry for the long intro of the video and ignore the last part of it to.)
I see telephone by lady gaga. Me and Mary loved that song so we made my dad buy a wii and we did just dance so we know that dance off by heart. I smile at it. I put it on and I run to my stop next to Mary before we have to start dancing. I hear it starting. (Watch video now) As we walk away from where we were dancing I smile like an idiot.
"You should have never given up." She smile. I nod my head and start crying. She hug me tightly.
"I'm gonna go annoy Toni for a while and get a water." She say rushing out of the room.

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