chapter 4

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I wanted to shout at he top of my lungs. I swatted my hand and took the small dager out. I was about to slash my attacker when I heard its respective voice. "Wait!" I spun myself around to meet eyes with a blonde tall guy. With the danger still on my grip I asked "Wh- what do you want!?" He looked at me with a confused face. He seemed like he meant no harm but I would not trust him, for the moment."Hey, this is no safe place, the club is near and some guys weather drunk or not tend to rape people near here, I'm sorry to come to you like this but you could get hurt" Looking at the drunk man that was still tumbling I nodded.He smiled at me "Ok you should probably go to your dorm before you get hurt" I thought of yelling at him something like, are you saying I'm weak!, but, I knew that I was. I know that Cass would and she would keep doing whatever she was before, but I am not Cass, I am Alex, I am a physical and mental fail. So I proceeded to nod."T-hanks" I picked up the stuff in the ground as the guy shooed the drunk man."Hey, stay safe" Then he ran away.Hm, weird, why would someone help me like that.

I half walked, half ran towards my dorm. The halls were empty and silent. Everyone was probably on parties or on the club. When I arrived to my door I heard music, it was not loud tho.I searched for my key, but then remembered, I had forgotten it next to my laptop, great. I knocked on the door, expecting Cass to open, but there was no answer. I tried knocking louder. The volume of the music went down and I heard footsteps. The door unlocked and a very annoyed Cass showed up, when she saw me she got a little bit confused. "Don't you have keys or something?" she said looking at me with her eyes squinted. "I may or may have not forgotten them on my laptop" she slowly nodded and backed away from the doorway to let me in.

When I entered the room I saw snacks on Cass's bed, as long as a phone connected to a small speaker,oh, also Shauna was in the room sitting in the floppy couch. She smiled at me and waved, "Hi Alex! Wanna join our small party?" She said in a cheerful sweet voice, her curls shaking around. I smiled back "Thanks Shauna, but I will pass this time" She nodded and grabbed a cracker from the bed. My key was indeed next to my laptop, I put my bag on the floor next to my bed and grabbed my pijamas. I entered the closet to change to my aqua blue shirt and my checkered pijama pants. Grabbing my headphones I flopped to my bed, trying to ignore Cass and Shaunas' "party". When I was about to grab my laptop, I noticed a little box on the corner of the room. "Cass? Is that box yours?" Giving me a puzzled look she pointed at it "I thought it was yours" She proceeded to continue talking to Shauna. I stood up and got close to it, it had - First years - written on sharpie. huh? I opened it and took out it's contents. It had some old books, on top, a few toys and on the bottom there were two pictures. I took the first one. When I flipped it over I saw an old photo, of me and my brother when we were little, we were on a bench eating ice cream, we were not smiling tho. It is weird how I do not remember any of this, why did my dad brought this box then. I stared at the back of the other picture. Questions started to flood my mind. Why don't I remember my childhood? Why have I never wondered about this? Why this things bring me a feeling of odd sadness? Then one of them was the one that made me feel the worse. ¿Why...why don't I remember having a mom? I took the picture and flipped it. It was me, a little girl, with big eyes, but I didn't seem happy...Then, there was a tall woman, with a disgust face, she was holding my hand. She was pretty, but, yet disturbing. Then, the memories flooded my mind all at once.


"Alex! Michael! Come here you little skanks!" A 6 year old Alex and a 10 year old Michael came running down the stairs, tripping and with tears in their faces. The raging woman grabbed them and pulled them towards the desk. "You two look at this number!" Michel hesitantly grabbed a pice of paper that was lying there. He looked at the number and tears flooded his eyes, it was bigger than last time. A very scared and confused Alex looked at the paper pretending to understand it. "You two see how much you cost!? Do you realize how you little usless pieces of shit are costing to me?! Your godamned father never helps!" She shouted, raising her hand, slapping Michael who had been trying to hold his tears. He shouted a piercing scream and Alex jumped back, scared, she was next. "How am I supposed to maintain you?! I only wanted you for the money benefits!" She shouted, red from anger. Alex backed up, but she had no escape. The woman grabbed her hand and dragged her, kicking her in the stomach. "I have an idea" A hint of insanity sparked in the woman's eyes. "I'll sell you, they say organs are well payed, specially young healthy ones" Alex was still hurdled in a ball grabbing her stomach unable to breath. Michel understood what she meant and instinctively grabbed little Alex and hugged her in a protecting way. The woman stared at them and was about to grab Alex when Michel shouted. "Leave her! Leave us alone you witch!" He regreted his words the second he said it. The woman grabbed him and slammed him against the table. He had hit his head, making a crack on it, blood dripping. Alex cried and ran to hug her brother, he seemed hurt, but ok at a certain expense...

End of flashback

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