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When did I first know I was different?

Well, it was probably when people kept commenting on the colour of my eyes. My reactions to certain situations; how animals acted around me. I always felt something was different, but I didn't know how different was different; not until my mother sent me on my way with a fifty shoved in my hand to get me away from all the strange people visiting the house.

I was trapped, for three years, in a lab off the coast of Miami, poked and prodded and baited and recorded. For three years, I was studied, because I was different, foreign, like something out of a sci-fi movie.

I knew no one else with golden eyes like mine. With abilities as strong as mine. I am the only one like this in the world--and trust me, I've been searching since I was nine. I would know.

And each time I think that I've found somewhere I can stay for a while, it ends... not so well.

"Tamara! Over here!" I lift my head and pull my earphones out of my ears, my gaze sliding over Dakota Marrow and her sidekicks, Eliza Baron and Lilly Jacobs.
Ugh. What now? I think as they giggle in my direction.

Why is it that I draw people's attention when I'm so puzzling?

My guess? People like puzzles.

But really, I don't know why people gravitate towards me. Isn't there supposedly some, like, sixth sense, that tells people when they're in danger?

They should be running away from me. Not towards me. What sort of survival instinct is that?

I trudge unwillingly towards Dakota and her minions, my stomach knotting as they sneer at the nerds that walk past. After all, there's nothing special about them, is there? They're just passionate about things that they like, no matter how popular.

"Hey Tamara, come look at this video I found on Facebook!" Dakota titters at whatever it is on her iPhone. I groan internally.

"Can I pass for now, Dee?" I inquire. I rack my brain for a believable lie. "I've got a headache, and I'm kinda avoiding all screens..." It sounds pathetic, even to me.

She swallows it, though. "Oh, hun, you okay?" She feigns concern, though both of us know that the second I leave, she's going to turn her back and not give another thought to me. Not if she can help it. "Can I get you anything?"

I smirk. "No, Dakota, it's fine. Can I just go for a walk? By myself?"

She nods. "C'mon girls, Tam's going on a walk. We'll go amuse ourselves elsewhere."

Translation: they're going to pick on the tiny, timid year seveners.

Best of luck to 'em.

I scrunch my eyes shut and pinch the bridge of my nose. Thank god, I think. They're driving me insane.

"Tamara?" My god, it never stops. "Tamara Shivver?" I whirl around, ready to flee from whomever it is this time.

I fixate on the boy hovering over me. "What?" I demand. "What is it now?" My gaze hardens.

The blond haired, brown eyed XY chromosome stares down at me timidly. "Tamara?"

I make a face, like Go on, "There are people here to see you." He jerks his thumb over his shoulder. I follow the movement and curse under my breath as I watch four suits stroll down the corridor.

Straight towards me.

My head flicks from side to side quickly as I search for a way out. I would stay to talk to them, but I've had enough interrogations-gone-bad to last a lifetime.

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