Chapter 78

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The day to go try on the wedding dresses had arrived and for Andy that would be the first time she would be away from Alexander for a few hours and she felt a bit strange.

Robert: "What are you thinking about?" he asked hugging Andy.

Andy: "I feel a bit strange"

Robert: "Are you feeling bad?" he asked worried.

Andy: "No, no, I'm fine, it's just that.. this is the first time I've been away from Alexander and, I don't know why I feel this way"

Robert: "Are you worried about leaving him at home with me?"

Andy: "Absolutely not, I'm not worried. You are a fantastic dad and I will never be worried when our children are with you" she replied, snuggling up to Robert. "It's just that I feel like I'm abandoning it even though I know it's not like that"

Robert: "You're not leaving him, you just go away for a few hours and don't worry, everything will be fine. If you want I will often text you telling you how it goes so you will be even more calm" he replied trying to reassure her. "If you don't want to go out, stay home"

Andy: "There is no need to write to me, I know everything will be fine. I'm sure this feeling will soon pass. And then I have to go out, otherwise I won't have a dress to wear on our wedding day"

Robert: "Do you know that I would marry you even if you wear pajamas that day?"

Andy: "I know" she replied laughing. "But I don't think pajamas are very suitable for that day"

Robert: "On that day everything is allowed. Really, I don't care much about the dress, I just want it to be my wife"

Andy: "And I want you to be my husband" she replied with a smile. "I love you osito"

Robert: "I love you osita" he replied kissing her. "I don't want to interrupt this moment, but you should start preparing, soon Vic and Maya will be here. Is Cami with my mother?"

Andy: "A few more minutes and I get ready and yes, Cami is with your mother"

Andy and Robert remained cuddling in bed for a while longer and then, even if reluctantly, Andy got up and started getting ready. Before Vic and Maya arrived she nursed Alexander and then put him back to sleep in his crib. Meanwhile Ingrid helped Camilla get ready and they too were ready to go out.

Camilla: "Mommy, how long will the aunts arrive?"

Andy: "They'll be here soon" she replied, kissing her daughter.

Camilla: "Can I go say goodbye to my little brother?"

Andy: "Yes, but be careful not to wake him up" Camilla nodded and went to her little brother.

Ingrid: "It's nice to see that Cami isn't jealous of Alexander, she's very sweet to him"

Robert: "We hope you continue to be like this"

Ingrid: "She will always be so sweet and nice to everyone" she replied smiling.

Meanwhile Vic and Maya arrived and Robert went to tell Camilla that they had arrived. When he approached the bedroom he overheard Camilla talking to her little brother and before calling her he waited for her to finish the speech.

Camilla: "Me, mom and grandmother have to go out now, but you will stay at home with our dad. You will be very comfortable with him, he is the best dad in the world and he loves us so much" she said and then gave her little brother a little kiss.

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