Chapter 127

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Everyone kept searching the house for Samantha and Pongo, but the two of them were nowhere to be found. At one point Camilla looked out the window and laughed.

Andy: "There's nothing to laugh about. Your sister is missing" Camilla continued to laugh and then pointed to the window.

Camilla: "She is not gone. She's out in the garden in the rain covered in mud" she said continuing to laugh and Andy shook her head. "And Pongo is also covered in mud"

Andy: "We can't leave her alone for five minutes making this mess up" she said shaking her head and then going out into the garden to pick up her daughter.

Nicolas followed Andy to get Pongo, but then when Andy and Samantha entered the house, Nicolas stayed outside with Pongo instead.

Robert: "Come on in"

Nicolas: "I can't, he's covered in mud"

Robert: "No problem. You can wash Pongo in the bathroom here"

Nicolas: "But I get everything dirty, it's better if I go home"

Robert: "Don't worry, we'll clean everything up afterwards. Come in now, you can't stay out in the rain" Nicolas nodded and entered the house together with Pongo.

Andy: "What the hell did you think about going out and covering yourself in mud?"

Samantha: "It was for a beauty treatment. When Cami and I had our sister day we watched a movie and some girls had a mud beauty treatment" Andy shook her head. "It's not my fault, Cami showed me that movie"

Camilla: "Why in the end it's always someone else's fault if you do something?"

Samantha: "Because it's you who give me these ideas" she replied while Nicolas and Robert laughed out loud.

Andy: "But don't do it next time, ok?"

Samantha: "I promise you mommy"

Andy: "We'll see if you can keep this promise. Now let's go to the bathroom so I can get all this mud off you" she said to her daughter before turning to Alexander. "Could you help Nico wash the dog?"

Alexander: "Yes, of course"

Camilla: "I can help him"

Andy: "You come and help me with your sister, she has mud on her head too" Camilla nodded.

Andy, Camilla and Samantha headed to the upstairs bathroom while Nicolas and Alexander went with Pongo to the bathroom next to the living room so they could wash the dog. Robert instead cleaned the traces of mud that Samantha and Pongo had left in the house. Samantha was covered in mud and it had taken a long time for Andy and Camilla to get all the mud off her especially from her hair. While Samantha let her mother and sister take care of her, she told them both how much she had enjoyed covering herself in mud. Meanwhile Alexander and Nicolas washed Pongo and, since the dog hadn't been very still, the bathroom had become a disaster. Once Pongo was washed and dried, Alexander was with the puppy while Nicolas went to find Robert to ask him for things to clean the bathroom.

Nicolas: "Could you give me things to clean the bathroom?"

Robert: "What happened?"

Nicolas: "Pongo wasn't very still while we were washing him and so there's a lot of mess in the bathroom"

Robert: "I see. Now I'm going to clean up"

Nicolas: "No, no, I'll take care of it"

Robert: "Are you really sure about that?"

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