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Thursday morning, I had a meeting at the Natural History Museum. There, my team would present our findings alongside with the new dinosaur focils that the opossite team have found. I felt really disappointed about my team. You see, I'm the head of mine, and after so many missions and reasearches we didn't find anything meaningful. This year it was a bummer for us. As the head of the Paleontology and Archeology Forum of the East side of Connecticut, we failed. (P.A.F.E.C.)

Our base, is in a small, meaningless state and it's more of a research organization rather than a forum. Unfortunately, the government doesn't acknowledge this operation to be an organization due to the size of it and due to our connections with other countries apart from the USA. Even if we can't level up our forum to a recognized organization, I've managed to get investments from the government after a lot of pressure.

Through the years, we've found a lot of findings such as important human prehistoric artefacts that we sold to high prestige museums around the globe. We've gone to several places and even managed to step in Europe.

I don't want to be unfair to my team, we've managed to accomplish a lot and everyone has been a great help. For just a tiny forum in a rural state with PhD graduates and findings worth to be under the building of numerous museums, we are the Nasa of paleontology and archeology of USA. Undoubtedly, we deserve better institutional structure.

As we all know, we're an independent forum sometimes ran by the financial help of the government, nonetheless we still have to stick to regulations and we still have limitations. Every year we receive different requests about our country's needs for our Natural History Museum. Museums don't take whatever findings you present them. Every country has different deficits in their museums and have different demands. So, when you have something to offer to a museum you're on hold for a while. Your findings will go through the judges working for the museum. Usually to check the importance and the age of the findings. Sometimes your findings might be very important but not in a need of a museum. So, you have to call more museums. If no one is interested.....that's when you need connections....

Our request from our country's Natural History Museum was to find dinosaur focils. Which is a little impossible if we think how hard is to dig that deep in the ground. Don't get me started about the permissions we need to take when we want to dig a place. So many paperwork and negotiations...

The problem is this. If we don't deliver the expectations of our requests we're screwed. We lose our investments, meaning our forum and we can't no longer do excavations. That's on being "independent".

This year we didn't live up to our government's and museum's expectations. Our forum was at high risk to be canceled. All of my colleagues were aware of the insignificant importance of our findings but after some research of museum's deficits, I can say we were lucky. I'm glad to announce that Natural History Museum of England was in a need of more prehistoric findings, mainly dinosaur focils but everything was welcome to be processed. We didn't have something to offer to the USA museum but the museum of England looked interested to our findings and was positive to continue the process.

On my way to our meeting I tried to stay optimistic but I was also scared. This team we were facing had been a big rival for us for years. Knowing that they found dinosaur focils it was hard to keep my cool. The English archeological team was in a better favor and had better findings. It was unlikely that we would get our findings accepted in the museum.

Entering the building I was sweating. I was about to meet the people running the headquarters of the museum and other well acclaimed scientists that were there to judge our findings worth. Being the leader of the forum I came there as an ambassador of my team. The ambassador of the other team was an English lady that looked very young. I couldn't believe she was a leader. The chairman of the museum soonly came and gave us a speech.

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