Gone Fishing

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Carly and Buster ran from his house as they got into Hot Rod and Charlie joined them after she ran to his house. Hot Rod sped to Autobot City "Buster! What are we doing today bro?"
"Well, we could use a break from all the craziness and school finally so let's go fishing!" He smiled
Carly smiled softly, "Haven't done that in a while." Charlie sighed softly, "I just wanna build stuff so I gotta stop by Jackie's lab."
Hot Rod giggled "New nickname for Wheeljack? I like it." He stopped by the lab as Charlie got out.
"Hey buddy! Bee ain't here yet but I need some assistance with some new weapons I'm makin'." The scientist sounded very jolly today. Charlie smiled "Let's get to it buddy!" She walked into the lab with him as Hot Rod drove off to the nearby lake. When they arrived, Hot Rod transformed after the two humans got out and held the fishing rods. Hot Rod had one for himself. He smiled and sat on a boulder as the two humans giggled, "Nice Hot Rod. Didn't know you liked fishing." Carly said. Hot Rod smiled, "It's my favorite hobby."

About half an hour had passed as Hot Rod smiled at his friends, "Fish are jumpin' today, huh Buster? Carly?"
Carly shrugged "I guess so..."
Hot Rod still had a soft smile on his face, "Hey what's the matter?"
Carly sighed, "Meh... It's nothing..."
Buster looked at her, "C'mon, you can tell us."
"Guess I just miss my boyfriend."
Hot Rod gently patte her back, "Don't worry, Spike'll be back soon-OH HEY! I CAUGHT SOMETHING!" He began to tug his fishing rod as he began to reel in his catch. Buster chuckled, "Wow! Look at the size of that thing!" Carly giggled, "I could make a joke."
Buster snorted as Hot Rod held it, "Yeup! It's a whopper alright!" Carly's phone began beeping as she smiled, "Hot Rod! The shuttle's coming in!"
Buster rose a brow and smiled, "Hey! Let's go watch it land!" The two humans started running. Hot Rod shook his head, "Talk about dull, guys." He tossed the fish back into the water as he got up and folded his fishing rod away. "HURRY OR WE'LL MISS IT BRO!" Buster shouted as Hot Rod caught up to them and picked them up, "If you're gonna ride my pals, ride in style!" He transformed as the two fell into the seats. Hot Rod sped through the beautiful countryside as Buster looked out the window, "Let's stop here!" Carly smiled.
"Why settle for a peek, Carly? When you can see everything from Lookout Mountain!"
Kup and the Constructibots, formerly known as the Constructicons, were making a new lab with Hoist, Hauler, and Grapple. "A little to the left! A little bit more!" Kup smiled and motioned as he nodded, "Perfect!" He turned and saw Hot Rod, "Scrap..." he and the others dove out of his way, "SORRY KUP!" Hot Rod sped up the mountain as Kup grumbled, "Turbo-Revvin' young punk! I'll straighten you out yet!" When he got to the telescope, Buster put a code in and watched the shuttle. Carly looked as well as she rose a brow, "Hot Rod! Look! There's something wrong with the shuttle!"
Buster nodded, "There's a whole in it!" Hot Rod rose a metallic brow, "What?" He zoomed in with his sniper lenses as he saw Ramjet and Dirge, "DECEPTICONS! WARN THE CITY!" He aimed his arm blasters as he fired upon the shuttle. Ramjet got shot and fell forward as Megatron growled, "FIRE BACK!" The Decepticons fired at Hot Rod. Kup saw the action as he looked with the other bots, "What's that darn fool doing?!" Scrapper zoomed in and gasped, "THE DECEPTICONS! CONSTRUCTIBOTS! BACK TO THE CITY! NOW!" The six transformed as Hauler joined them. Kup turned to Grapple and Hoist, "Go with em! I gotta get Hot Rod and the humans!" He transformed and sped off. Hot Rod loaded all six barrels of his wrist blasters as he fired at the ship, finally bringing it down. The cons fled from the burning vessel as Megatron shouted, "ATTACK!!!!" He fired at Lookout Mountain as Hot Rod grabbed Carly and Buster, "Buster! Carly!" He held them as the mountain exploded and began to crumble. He jumped off a piece as he landed and saw Blitzwing transform and land near him. Shrapnel flew by as Blitzwing smirked, "Come on down autobrat!" He transformed into his tank mode and aimed at the three. Hot Rod glared at him before Kup rolled in and transformed. He flipped on Blitzwing's barrel as he grabbed it an aimed above Hot Rod, who ducked from the fire as Shrapnel got shot and fell from the sky. He crashed and landed into Blitzwing as the two fell down the mountain. Hot Rod jumped down to Kup as he smiled, "Not bad for an old timer!"
Kup smirked and rose a brow as he took Carly from Hot Rod, "Old time is somethin' you'll never be if you don't get back to the city with me."
Skywarp flew overhead as Hot Rod heard him, "SAVE IT KUP!" The two ducked quickly as the seeker missed them. "Let's burn rubber!" Kup shouted as he transformed with Carly and drove off. Hot Rod ran behind him and transformed with Buster as the two sped their way to the city.

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