Survival of the Fittest

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Megatron flew right to Lockdown's ship to speak with the Bounty Hunter. It was on a frozen world... Next to the dead universe. Megatron landed as he walked around the vessel. "What do you want Megatron?!" Lockdown bellowed as he jumped down from a tower and marched to Megatron. The Decepticon glared at him, "Where do you think you're going?"
"Leaving... You brought the worst of the worst to our Universe Megatron... You summoned Unicron!" His troops aimed at Megatron as Lockdown shook his head, "We're jumping universes now. This one will fall, like the others."
"What others?" Megatron asked, Lockdown laughed at him. "You seriously don't get it, do you?" He turned to Megatron, "Unicron has been to many worlds and still attacks some simultaneously just as he is your universe. I escaped mine in time. I was a mere 3 years ahead of schedule and only after did he attack. You brought your doom here. Starscream told me everything thus why I will not work for you now or ever again. You killed Cybertron..." Lockdown walked away. Megatron fell to his knees and then went to fire at Lockdown before the bounty hunter turned and fired his gun head at Megatron who went flying off his ship. "Activate Darkmatter drives and prepare for hyper jump to light space! We're leaving!" The ship started up and flew up into the atmosphere as it flew into the portal to the dead universe. He landed on a strange pad as he jumped down and walked towards someone, "I warned your counterpart of what he did but he did not believe me."
"He is unimportant. What of Optimus?" The stranger asked Lockdown.
"Last I was tracking, he was on his way to Cybertron. This is playing out similarly to Universe UT-A02. Only Optimus has not died yet." Lockdown spoke.
The stranger looked at his trooper who scanned Lockdown, "He's covered in the same readings that Optimus had when he needed us. Same Universe."
The stranger smiled, "Lockdown, go forth and see if Optimus needs your help. If he does then call us in on this." The stranger gave Lockdown a communication device... In the shape of a red decepticon badge. Lockdown chuckled softly, "You are much better than their Megatron. I will let you know." He started walking away as his ship beamed him up. "Take us back to the portal. Optimus may hire us for help. If he is desperate for our assistance." The ship flew towards the portal and hovered out into it. When he arrived, he got a message from Optimus Prime as he smirked at it, "Prepare Darkmatter Drives and get us to Cybertron." The ship launched and flew off. He activated the communicator, "He's going to pay handsomely for my assistance."
"Good. Maintain your mission. We're on our way friend." The stranger turned to his troopers, "DECEPTICONS! Optimus needs our help! The Optimus who liberated our brothers!" Everyone cheered as they poured into a ship. The stranger stepped into the light as he smiled and rushed to the ship with his friend. "We're ready to launch commander!" A trooper said.
"Very well then! Let's fly." He sealed the ship and began to hover, "Controls are all yours Megatron!" Thundercracker said as Megatron nodded, "For Optimus..." He flew their ship to the main universe. The Shattered Glass Decepticons made their way to save another universe.

Megatron growled as he rubbed his head and flew to a Decepticon ship. Soundwave walked to him when he entered the ship. Megatron stormed over to his throne as he sat down and glared out the window. "Continue to Cybertron already," He said coldly. Skywarp continued flying their broken ship to Cybertron. Megatron pondered what he had done. Did he truly destroy their home world of Cybertron? Is Unicron truly here? He was merely a myth... Soundwave interrupted his thoughts however, "Lord Megatron... The Entity is drawing closer to Cybertron and we have wounded men-"
"Do I look like I care about them!? Jettison the unfit troops!" Megatron snapped as Soundwave hung his head. Skywapr turned to him, "You can't be seri-!?"
"What was that Skywarp...?" Megatron glared at him as the seeker turned and flew the ship. Soundwave watched as the seekers and other troops jettisoned the wounded troopers. They cried in desperation for help and forgiveness only to fall silent to the vacuum of space... Soundwave walked away from the doors as the other troops went about their business.

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