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Kicker and Buster were talking with Verity and Charlie. Magnus still stood by the comms tower with Blaster as the humans looked at them, "What the hell are they doing there anyways?" Buster walked over to them as Hot Rod was typing away on a tablet before giving it to Perceptor. Grimlock and the Dinobots waited with them as well. Buster knew something was up. "They're almost out of range..." Blaster said as Ultra Magnus nodded. He walked to a button as he looked at the sky. Verity looked at Springer who had a smirk on his face before looking at her. Grimlock and the Dinobots huddled around the monitor with Magnus as Blaster smirked at the map, "DONE! THEY'RE OUTTA THE SYSTEM!" Magnus pressed the button, "Autobots! Humans! Prepare to board the shuttles!" The platform folded away as two Arks rose up, ready to launch and warp. "This new menace is more dangerous than all the Decepticons that ever lived put togehter. Somehow we must destroy him before he devours Cybertron."
"But what about Spike? And Bumblebee and the others? They're on the moon bases between the monster planet and Cybertron!" Carly said as Magnus nodded, "We'll do everything we can for our friends."
"Yeah and what are we gonna do when we get there? We're not exactly Elite ourselves compared to that thing crunching planets." Springer said.
"Maybe we can get more allies. Caminus, Velocitron, hell maybe even Garrus-9! They'd fight for Cybertron, especially after we tell them what Megatron has done they'd follow our lead." Hot Rod spoke confidently. Everyone was confused before Springer nodded, "That should work..." Hot Rod smiled, "And besides, we need the wisdom of the Primes so Optimus is our best hope for this!" Kup looked at him, "How do you think that'll work, lad?" Hot Rod looked at him and then at Grimlock as the king nodded at Hot Rod, "I got this feeling, man." Blaster got a notification on his radar as he looked at everyone, "WE GOT INCOMING HOSTILES FROM THE MOON!" Ultra Magnus rose an optic, "Impossible. Load up on the Arks! Now!" The Decepticons had arrived but they were in very different looking ships. Especially their leader who fired at the Autobots. "To the shuttles!" Ultra Magnus ordered as everyone started running for the ships. "I GALVATRON SHALL CRUSH YOU JUST AS MEGATRON CRUSHED PRIME!" The leader of these new Decepticons declared as Magnus smirked and grabbed his canon before spinning it and firing at Galvatron, "Not our Optimus!" Galvatron started to fall as Magnus ran with the others. Grimlock and the Dinobots were firing the decepticon fighters down as Blurr shrugged to Magnus, "They won't get in the shuttle! I tried getting them-"
"Go! We Dinobots will cover you!" Grimlock shouted as Snarl growled and stabbed a sweep drone. Buster and the others ran into one of the Arks as they started booting up all the systems and engines. Verity and Kicker looked at how far the second shuttle was as they nodded at each other and ran outside, "BUSTER, CARLY, CHARLIE STAY HERE!" Kicker shouted. Verity flew up as she grabbed Kicker and flew to Springer and Pyro's aid. Galvatron ran at Hot Rod as he grabbed him by the throat, "Hello Hot Rod..."
"Grr-ack-! Sup dude-?" Hot Rod fired his wrist blasters as he dropped to his feet, "NOW!" Grimlock charged at Galvatron in his dinobot mode. He kicked him down and pinned him to the ground as he fired his breath at another one of the sweeps. Hot Rod shot some other cons as Slag ran to him and chomped a con out of the sky, "Ultra Magnus! I'm gettin' Kup and the Dinobots outta here! We're headin' for Velocitron! Get to Caminus!" Magnus fired at an Armada drone as he nodded, "10-4 Hot Rod! Primus be with you soldier!"
Hot Rod pulled his pistols out and fired, "Guys! Get on board! Now!" Grimlock ran back as Swoop dove and flew inside. Galvatron sat up and saw Hot Rod leading his team inside the ship. He shook his head and tried to fire at him but Sludge fired a missile at him, surrounding the Decepticon in fire. Everyone got on board as Pipes manned the turrets and fired at the cons. Kup sat down, "Nice job guys! Hot Rod-!"
"Engaging the boosters!" Hot Rod smirked as the ship began to shake. Kup smirked, "Kup! Blast us outta here!" Grimlock shouted as Kup grinned, "Cut that!" The Ark blasted off as Carly closed the doors and sealed the ship.

Springer ran and shot at the cons with Verity, Kicker, Lennox and Pyro, "Looks like we're shipmates, kids!"
Kicker smirked, "Aw hell yeah!"
"You get space-sick and you're walking home!" Pyro added as they all ran and got on the ship. Magnus ran and got into the pilot seat with Pyro, "Hurry, Pyro!" Pyro began the lift off sequence as everyone held on and buckled up. "Arcee's still out there!" Kicker shouted as he ran to the door until Springer ran over and fired a grapple hook as Arcee caught it as it reeled her into the ship. She sighed in relief, "Thanks..." She smiled softly as Verity sealed the ship and panted, "That was close!"
Springer chuckled, "Believe it or not, this is the fun part!" The ship began to breach the atmosphere as they escaped. Galvatron growled as Nemesis Prime called him, I bet you wish I didn't see your failure... No Excuses. Get the Revenge and get them... I'm on my way to Unicron as we speak..."

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