Kimbap & Bingsu

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Your eyes flickered from the canvas to the person who said your name. "Yeonjun?"

"I didn't know you were in the Art Club?" He smiled before taking a seat next you.

"Yeah, I just joined."

He nodded "Ah, for the iPhone?" He asked unironically, because the art club was so fewly liked, he must've thought everyone who are joining are only interested in the phone.

You were left speechless, if you awkwardly deny it, it would only make it more suspicious. But if you just smile and nod, that would just confirm his assumptions.

Soon after, more people entered. The loud talking took over the awkward silent thankfully, so you just let it be. Ignoring him.

Ms. Lim had just walked in, eyeing everyone. Today's meeting was a lot more full than usual, which made a smile creep up the corner of her lips.

"Thank you, everyone for coming. In Art Club, we cover various—"

Her words were quickly cut off by someone slamming the door open, all attentions were turned to him.

Nishimura, Riki.

"S-sorry, Ms. Lim. Coach held us back a bit longer today" He apologized, still panting breathlessly from all the running.

"Ah, Mr. Nishimura. Our best basketball player, in my art room, how lovely." She smiled, "Nonetheless, join us, dear"


"No way, Ni-Ki joined the art club??"

"Yunjin, it's not a big deal."

"Clearly it is! Everyone's been talking about it all day!"

"Well it was unexpected, but maybe it's one of his hidden talent." You assured her.

"Or maybe, he has a little crushie crush on our Y/n!" She cheered, before you shoved a rice ball in her mouth.

"How did you even come up with that" You pouted your lips from bewilderment.

"He was literally, ready to risk it all for you—"

"Yunjin, he was probably just scared that I was gonna snitch on him, for being on the rooftop. So he impulsively took the blame for me."

"And not because he was scared you were gonna have a bad impression with Ms. Lim so that's why he did it??" She yelled, thankfully it was an empty field "I THINK THE FUCK YES Y/n—" she got an entire sandwhich shoved in her mouth this time.

"One day, you're gonna have my foot down your throat." You joked, teasing the girl that was trying to chew the humongous piece of a bite she'd took.

"Alright," Coach Minhyun clasped his hands. "Meeting ends here, I'll see you tomorrow lunch for practice, yep?"

"Actually," Heeseung interrupts. "Ni-Ki will busy, Coach."

Coach Minhyun quirks a brow. "Is there something I'm missing?" He turned to look at the dark haired boy, but before he could speak, his friend spoke for him.

"He joined the art club, he'll be doing picture scenery" Heeseung said unironically.

"What?" Coach Minhyun asked, confused if he had heard it right. One of his star athlete, will be missing practice, to go draw?

"Art Club, huh. What a change" He chuckled, "Ni-Ki, you've made a commitment to this for almost three years, I don't want you lacking because of some art club. Do you get me? This is, an important year" He emphasizes, sternly looking at the boy. "I'll allow you this time, only because you've shown hard work with basketball, maybe it's good to pick up another hobby. But, really, I don't you to lose your position on the team." His words suddenly sent shivers down Ni-Ki's spine, losing his spot? On the team?

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