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"Damn bro, what did you say to her this time?" Heeseung chuckles, wiping his sweat off with his towel.

"My scholarship in the States," Ni-Ki mumbled. "It slipped, okay?!"

"Your choice dude, but I've never seen you happier than ever," Jungwon shrugs, "You may have messed up a few times, though."

"I know," Ni-Ki shuts his eyes before sitting down on the bench, "I just think it's too early for that scholarship anyway. My father can fly me to the States whenever."

Heeseung's eyes widen. "Y-You're staying here? What did the scouts say?"

"The offer will always be open whenever," Ni-Ki thought carefully. "I need to go and tell Y/n something." Coach Minhyun steps in the room to let them know about practice, but when Ni-Ki pushes past him, the locker room falls silent in confusion.

Ni-Ki hasn't even taken off his basketball uniform. He's running through the hallways, desperate to find you. He sees Yunjin and taps her on the shoulder. "Wha–Oh! Ni-Ki?" Yunjin's eyes widen.

"Do you know where Y/n is?"

"I'm being clear, Nishimura Riki," Yunjin jabbed a finger in his chest. "Stop messing with her. I'm giving you one last fucking chance. Don't ruin it."


"She's in the graphic design room, but I'm serious. Break her heart, and I'll make sure to—" She pointed her thumb at her neck, slicing it across to threaten the boy.

Ni-Ki looked at her with wide eyes, slightly taken aback with the girl in front of him, but nonetheless he looked thankful, nodding hastily at her before running off. It made her laugh out loud, causing the other students to look at her as if she was crazy.

You were asked of Mr. Kang, to help with his yearbook making. So here you were, editing the designs for Ace Academia.

You've noticed a lot of pictures taken by leadership kids, pictures of each clubs, but most of them were just basketball and Ni-Ki.

Unknowingly you stared at the tall boy, even while tired he still looked perfect. After a while, you managed to do 3 pages, creating captions for each club.

"Y/n!" You heard from behind you, it made you jumped in your seat a little.

"You startled me, Ni-Ki." You eyed his basketball jersey, "You just had practice?"

"I wanted to see you." He responds, breathlessly. "I'm sorry."

You furrowed your eyebrows together. "You have nothing to be sorry for, Ni-Ki" Yes you wanted to talk about the situation from the other night, but at the same, you didn't want him to think you were clingy.

You didn't want him to see you as someone who's obsessed with him and that you're too much of an overthinker.

"I know, it's just.." Ni-Ki bit his lip.

A student too came running to the door, "Y/n? Ms. Cho needs your help" She said, already holding onto your hand and ready to drag you out.


"Sorry Ni-Ki, I'll catch up to you tomorrow!" You said to him before you were out of the class.

"Wait!" Ni-Ki exclaims, but you've already left the room. "I love you.." He whispers to nobody.

It was nearing may, and summer break is right around the corner. Everyone is rushing to finish up their school—projects, and so on. And for some reason, you were the only student they could think of to help them. So you were busy with that, running around and helping the teachers.

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