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"I was right all along." Your eyes were burning from the salty tears. "I should've listened to my own gut. I knew he was the same. I knew I should have never associated with him!"


"No, Yunjin..I..My heart fooled me. Ni-Ki fooled me." You only stare at his varsity jacket. "He..I never meant anything to him." Yunjin sits closer to you, wrapping her arms around you as you cried onto her shoulder.

"No wonder why he wanted to avoid me. Because basketball is the only thing that matters to him," You sobbed and Yunjin kissed your forehead. You sighed, it gave you a big reality check. Your heart is broken into a million pieces: you kissed him, you trusted him and you knew you shouldn't have.

"I'm sorry, Y/n."

Ni-Ki's been running around to look for you since yesterday. He hoped you didn't think he was avoiding you for the past week, thanks to Coach Minhyun shoving basketball down his throat. Ni-Ki sighed as he looked down at the sticky note you left for him.

For an odd reason, Ms. Lim postponed the art competition for the time being, and Ni-Ki finally had a free lunch. He stopped by the lab to find it completely empty. Where were you?

"Hey guys," Ni-Ki sat down with his friends, "Has anyone seen Y/n?"

Jungwon stayed silent and Sunoo perks up. "Maybe at the art room?"

"Ms. Lim canceled our meetings. She's not in her club either." Ni-Ki looks down.

"The Science department entered some competition thing. Maybe she's doing that?" Sunghoon shrugged.

"Ni-Ki, dude, are you okay?"

"J-Just concerned. She hasn't answered my texts or calls either."

"You really like her, don't you?" Sunoo teases. "God, our lovesick puppy."

"Y-Yeah." Ni-Ki nodded. "I really do like her."

You really didn't know what was wrong, but you were glad art meetings were canceled, because of the upcoming science competition for the city, you could really use the time to prepare.

That and the fact that you've been avoiding Ni-Ki, you didn't want to face him, not after hearing those words from him.

"Hey, lucky charm!" Ni-Ki's voice echoes in the quiet hallway. You curse at yourself and when you close your locker, you find him leaning against it. "I haven't spoken to you in a while.." He scratches the back of his neck. "I miss you."

"You shouldn't be seen with me."

Ni-Ki mutters something you can't quite hear. "Y/n?"

"Coach Minhyun would hate you if he found you with me." You whisper, ignoring the tears that begin to form. "I'm just a distraction, aren't I? You used me, for your little entertainment. I was never important, right? I don't mean anything to you?"


"Go away, Ni-Ki. You played with my heart, and I hope you're happy. Go back to focusing on your main priority."

"Please listen—"

You then remembered, opening your locker to find the oversized varsity jacket. He looked at you in sadness, his lips parted from discouraged, but he tried again "Y/n, please..." you gave the material back to him, ignoring his gaze.

"Don't talk to me, Ni-Ki. It turns out all of you are the same, right? Your team makes fun of you because you have some reputation to keep up," You spoke harsh. "I thought I told you to not care about those things."

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