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Camera 2.

The glistening sunshine rays would go through the marmalade curtains as you covered your face. "y/n i ain't waiting for you again! i've had enough tardies this week" Marie sprung onto your bed pulling off the covers that were buried in your face.

"you can go without me marie, i don't mind being late y'know" you sat up a little bit to face her and yawned. "girl i hope you know mr.nishijima will kick you out of his course if you keep on treating it like a joke" Marie scolded you uplifting herself from your bed and heading towards the door. "breakfast is on the counter love" Marie quietly closed your door and left. "argh fuck me.." you glanced at the picture with you and your parents. "Don't look at me like that, i'm going because you guys.." you placed the frame downwards so you wouldn't have too look at the picture too much.

You'd place your feet on the cold wooden floor taking direction to the bathroom for a shower to start your day. "I have half n hour i'll be good" you'd turn on the shower, tied your hair to put on your shower cap.

"You take so fucking long to get ready, you're like a grandma" Marie drew the flask to her lips which had been filled with coffee. You rolled your eyes and walked to one of the cabinets and took a breakfast bar, you grabbed the car keys then headed for the door. "okay miss i can't hear my friend marie talking to her" Marie trailed along with you. The sunshine along with a hint of gale hit both mariee skin causing a trail of goosebumps to appear. "didnt realise it was gonna be a little breezy" Marie pouted she looked at you seeing you had a cardigan and you were tugging onto it as if it was going to run away. "maybe your ass should have brought some kind of cover with you maybe you wouldn't be cold" You smirked and walked towards the car.

"the romanov family was the last imperial dynasty to rule russia. they first came to power in 1613, and over the next three centuries, 18 Romanovs took the russian throne..im sure as many of you know the romanov family was brutally killed by the bolsheviks on july 17th 1918"
Mr Nishijima explained as he took notice of your constant glances towards the window. To be fair you wasn't even there your ears had blocked out everything. "miss l/n care to share what's so enrapturing about the window? i'd be obliged to know alongside your peers" he stood directly in front of you. "nothing sir, sorry" you looked at your notes trying not embarrass yourself in the slightest even though it was quite evident that you already had. "i wonder, were you even listening?" you nodded stupidly knowing that wasn't the case at all.

"say who assassinated the romanov family?" "wasn't it rusptin?" Mr. Nishijima pinched the bridge of his nose trying to not lose his patience. "y/n you are going off the disney movie anastasia which is a sweeter alternative to what actually happened to the family" he sighed. "hm let's see erm..toji! care to explain" "the family was assassinated by the bolsheviks in 1918" he spoke, you turned around trying to figure out who just spoke considering you don't socialise with most of your classmates in this particular course, you peel your eyes to see a familiar face. The same guy that took a picture of you in the park, he wore a pair of glasses this time that perfectly on the bridge of his nose, his hair almost covering his face.

"well to conclude today's lesson i'm expecting an essay about the romanov family, good morning everyone and have a wonderful day" As you were walking out of class you noticed the guy packing his books and walked up to him. He glanced up at you in confusion trying to figure out who you were besides from the fact you are in his history lecture. "may i help you?" "yeah you can by deleting that picture of me from your camera" toji perked his brow upwards realising you were the same girl from yesterday. "oh you, you look a tad bit messier than you did yesterday is that a normal thing for you?" he questioned trying to push past you. "okay first of all you took the picture of me and when i called you out for it you got defensive" toji scoffed trying to digest all of this.

"for the last time it was accident, you're the one that got in my shot, now be a dear and move out my way please the lecture room is going to be used" toji walked past you.
"oh and by the way if i knew how to i would have edited you out of the picture anyways, you ruined the view" his figure started to disappear leaving you all alone in the lecture hall.

"that camera holding asshole..."

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