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Camera 3.

"it would be nice if you wouldn't be so slow we have lessons to go to toji" Nanami scolded him whilst holding the books, trying to balance the very few in his arms. "i believe you should worry about yourself you could drop something.." Toji looked at him pushing one of the books out of his grasp. Nanami stuck his foot out catching the one of books. "unlike you i'm not slow, fushiguro. say who was that girl you walked out with?" "no one just some girl that's in the same class as me" Toji walked off distancing himself from Nanami.


"I swear to you it was the same guy marie, i could just tell from his dick like demeanour" "Is he attractive at least?" marie asked shrugging her shoulders, you looked at her trying to figure out if she had even taken in a word you just said or trying to figure out if it had went into one ear and came out the other. "what? y'know the way you describe this guy sounds like fushiguro toji, when he meets new people though" Marie replied fiddling with her ginger hair.  Your eyebrows perked up when you realised the name even though you just had a class with him. "his name is toji?" "no y/n it's christopher columbus" Marie face planted her forehead. You rolled your eyes taking a sip out of your milkshake, placing the palm of your hand on the cheek of your face. "toji soji.." You muttered underneath your breath.

"what's your prob with toj anyways he's a tranquil guy once you get to know him of course, aside from this incident i'm sure both of ya'll can be friends y/n, just talk to him" Marie pointed behind you. You didn't even need to turn around to know who she was talking about. "im good marie besides i-" "hey toji! it's been awhile" Your eyes diverted to marie and gave her the sign to cut it out but it was too late toji had already walked up to your bench. "you know y/n right? she's my roommate out of uni" Marie gave him a soft smile, you could feel him looking down on you, it was enough that you felt like disappearing into thin air."yeah, i've met of your friend...the same on that confronted me this morning after our history lecture about a photo that she had ruined.

"fyi i didn't ruin your picture, you just have bad timing toni" "it's toji" "it's whatever, marie i'm heading to my next class, i'll see you at home" and with that your took your books got up and left you didn't have anything to say to toji and if you did it would be an insult, you just took this as a sign not to speak to him like any other ordinary person would. "you guys seem to have gotten off at a rocky start huh?" "i don't think you could even call it rocky anymore, she's very entitled for somebody who doesn't have a clue in the world..it's always to alluring ones" Marie looked at Toji with confused trying to figure out if Toji had given you a backhanded compliment. "hold on what?" "it was nice seeing you around marie hopefully the next time i run into you it won't be with your ditzy friend.." Toji walked off.

"well then it's just me again.." Marie shrugged.

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