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{I didn't proof read this so there will be mistakes💀💀}

Camera 4.

You'd sit there trying to put pen to paper thinking about what to write for you history assignment on the Romanov family. Due to how you weren't capable of answering the question about the Romanov family raised concern for your professor you have been behind class as of late. "hey Y/n whatchu up to?" Marie asked leaning against the door frame walking towards you leaning over your shoulder. "well i'm trying to get this assignment done for Mr nishijima..about the romanov family"

You'd roll your eyes. Marie chuckled a little. "I told you to keep up with your work~" She teased then proceeding to poke your cheeks. "quit doing that will you?" You'd push her hands away from your face. "maybe you should ask toji for help like a study date or sum?" Y/n would side-eye the ginger haired girl besides her, "are you tryna be funny? because you ain't"

You'd bring your attention back to your work still thinking of how to start it off, since your professor wanted it hand written from you. "jeez y/n it was just a suggestion damn..anyways want mcdonald's i'm ordering a few people are coming over so~" You'd look up at her giving her the 'are you serious right now?' look, the last thing you wanted or needed right now you wanted some peace in the house. "you think to tell me this maybe earlier? because if you did i would have taken my ass to the library instead" You put your head on the desk groaning.

"oh cmon besides it's people you know" FYI it was probably nobody that you knew because you didn't talk that much to your peers at school apart Marie and another girl called Kimora if it isn't them then it's nobody you don't speak to nobody else at school. "people that i know? you know damn well i only talk to you and kimora so what do you mean?" Marie give a cheeky smile meaning she was up to something you just didn't know what.


"really marie? REALLY!" you stood at the door seeing that familiar face again. Toji, "You seem to like bumping into me a lot? stalking me sweetheart?" "i fucking live here" You remained standing at the door way,until Toji pushed you to the side having two other guys walk in behind him along side with Kimora. "yeah just let yourself in toni definitely don't mind at all!" Toji middle finger was given back as a response to your complaining.

"hey Y/n how are you?" Kimora gave you a warm hug you gave her a hug back being happy to her. "I've been good what about you?" You'd close the door behind her. "yeah i've been fine" she'd give a warm smile, "so do you know those two guys the one with white hair and the blonde one?" Kimora would give a confused look then realised you were talking about Nanami and Gojo. "ohhh gojo and nanami? they are friends with toji guess he must invited them over"

"i never knew you'd invite gojo and nanami with you" Marie gave a shocked look but it slowly turned into a smile. "I didn't gojo just brought himself here then dragged nanami along with him" He'd place the books that he had on the living room table. You and Kimora would soon join the rest of them.

"so why are you guys here?" "Y/n?!" Marie gave you a disappointing look like a parent seeing their child being rude to their uncle or aunty. "what? i can't ask questions now especially since that scar having guy is here?" Toji would scoff at the insult. "look quit acting like a bitch it's annoying.." Toji leaned back then looking at you whilst smirking. "why you!-" "okay! hello im gojo and this nanami it's nice to meet Y/n" You'd look at the white haired boy, you'd nod sitting back.

All of you just say there in silence some of you on your phones the some of you just staring into space. "look as nice as the silence is i have an assignment to do" You'd get up making your way back to your room. "is she always so rude?" Toji asked Marie waiting for an answer out of her. "no..she just doesn't really like you? you both got off at the wrong foot" Marie would sit and think for a moment. "maybe you should help her with the history assignment? she was given one to do" "yeah i'd rather sleep with gojo for weeks that do that.." "you'd sleep with me toji~" Gojo would next to him rubbing his head on his shoulder. Toji would make a disgusted face pushing him away. "never i'll just go and find her room or something"


"okay..how should one finish this off.." You'd stare at the few paragraphs that you had done, you knew this wasn't enough but at least it was something. A knocking sound would come from your door, you thought it would be Marie trying to convince you come downstairs so you let her in. "come in!" Before even fully looking up you'd see it was Toji and not Marie.

"why are we breathing the same air?" "you tell me Y/n? look we got off at the wrong foot and i'm tired of doing this back and fourth thing with you" Toji would walk up to the desk you were sat at. "okay..is that all then?" "i was going to help you with your history work" He rolled his eyes "okay so get to helping?" You gave him your paper from him to proof read it. "you're definitely failing" "shut the fuck up"



damn been a minute since i've touched this bookkk kind of made it long and boring i guess tried to focus it on y/n and toji a little soo yh i hope you enjoyed this chapter.

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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