Truth or Dare ~Robin~

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Robin and his sister were walking to school when a black van drove past them. Robin sister Harper has noticed the van before but never said anything about it. When they get to the front of the gate, Harpers friends are waiting for her so they head to class with her. Robin walks into the hallway heading into the bathroom to see finn on the ground getting kicked in the stomach. When the group of boys see Robin, they back off into the corner of the room. "Hey Finn."
"Hey." Finn says getting off the ground. The boys stare at the two talking and try to leave the room.  "Wait." Robin says. The boys stop and look at Robin. If you touch Finn again I will beat the shit out of all of you. Do you understand. The boys shake there head out of fear. You can leave now. The boys run out of the room leave the two alone together. "You know, your gonna have to stick up for yourself one-day." "I know I will one-day but I just can't." Robin and Finn talk for a bit before the bell rings. They say there goodbyes and head in the opposite direction from each other. Robin walks in to class and sees one of his friends already in class.
"Hey Bonnie." "Hey Robin." Robin sits across from Bonnie and waits for the teacher to enter class. "So have you seen the black van lately." Bonnie says
"What van?" Robin said out of curiosity. Oh, well there is a black van and I don't know why but I've been seeing the van lately but it's whatever." Robin tries to remember seeing a van but can't. He doesn't think anything of it, maybe because it's a small town.

After class Bonnie asks Robin to come to her place to hangout because her parents aren't home. Robin says sure but he has to walk his sister home.

Robins pov- Bonnie asked me to hangout with her today. I have to think for a moment because I have to  walk my sister home, my parents would beat the shit out of me if I didn't. "So I'll come by your house later." "Ok" Bonnie says and walks to her next class as the bell rings
End of Pov

After school Bonnie is waiting for Robin. After a few hours of waiting he finally shows up. Robin knocks on the door. She opens it and lets him in. So what do you want to do -Bonnie
"Let's play truth or dare" Robin says
Bonnie panics a little because she knows how he gets when they play games like that. "Ok" -Bonnie
"Ok so I'll start first. Truth or dare." "Truth." "Is it true you like someone?"
Bonnie's blushes but not enough to notice. "Yeah I do actually."
"Wait you actually like someone. Who is it. You have to tell me." Robin says with excitement. "No it's my turn now. Truth or dare." "Dare" Robin says happily. "I dare you to tell me your biggest secret." Bonnie says with a smile. "Well umm I like a girl and shes in the room with me." Bonnie looked around realizing that they are they only two people in the room together. "M-Me, your serious." Robin shakes his head in agreement. She blushes and Robin ask "Truth or dare." "Dare" she says. "Tell me your crush." She looks down thinking if she should tell him but he already confessed to her so there is no point in lying.

"You." She blushes so her face is a light red. Robins cheeks heat up and he smiles to her. When he looks up, she is staring at him smiling. Robin grabs her hand and locks her fingers with his. She doesn't pull away. She stares him in the eyes and she can tell that he is moving closer little by little. Soon they are face to face and she can feel his breath on the lips. She leans in and gives a quick peck in the lips and pulls away hiding her face in embarrassment. He chuckles and grabs her chin, making her look up at him. He moves his hand to her cheek and rubs it with his thumb slowly caressing it. He leans in again slowly placing his lips on her. She catches on and moves in sink with him. She puts her arms on top of his shoulders and pulls him in to deepen the kiss. He moves his hands down to her waist and pulls her onto his lap. After a few minutes past Robin asked
"Bonnie." "Hmm." "What are we now." She stares at him not knowing what to say. "I'm not sure." "What do you want us to be." "Well you like me and I like you so does that make us a thing now." "Um boyfriend and girlfriend." "Really." "Yes"  she replied leaning back into the kiss. He kisses her back and grips her waist tighter making her moan into the kiss. He pulls away to look at her and looks her up and down. He jesters her to get off his lap so he can get on the bed. He holds out his hand to help up but before she get back on him he flips them other so now he is on top. "I like this view more mi amor." He laughs as he puts his head in the crook of her neck. She giggles and puts her hands in his hair rubbing his head. After a few minutes her hand stops moving. They both fell asleep as it was 11:42 pm.

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