The Fight ~Vance~

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~Thank yo uh Geekypeachy for the suggestion~


~Y/n's POV ~
I heard a knock on the door so I get off the couch and open the door but when I open it, there was nobody there. Suddenly, when I go to close the door, Vance pops out of nowhere making me scream." What the hell Vance." I say putting my hand in my chest. "Why are you such a scaredy cat?" He said with a smirk. "What are you doing here." I say annoyed and I put my hand on my hip. Vance looked me up and down. "I wanted to visit my beautiful girlfriend because she won't answer any of my calls." He said. "Why would I want to talk to you. You got mad at me because I was talking to a friend. You always get so jealous." I said getting mad. "Dude I said I was sorry, why can't you get over it already." Vance said getting upset. "Just, leave me alone please. I don't want to talk to you." I said with tears threatening to falling. "No Y/n, why can't you just forget about it already. Why do you have to hold everything against me." He said balling up his fist. "No I don-" " Yes you do." he said cutting me off. Tears started to fall so I just looked down at the ground. He stared at me for a moment, sighing and walking away.

~End of pov~

~3rd person POV"

When she stared to cry, he stared at her, wanting to say sorry but he knew it wasn't going to make a difference. He wanted to hug her and kiss her, telling her he was working on himself and trying to stop being so jealous of other dudes. He walked to his truck, slamming the door and driving away quickly.

~Few days ago~

Y/n was talking to her boy bestfriend Chase and Vance was standing a few feet away from then but couldn't hear their conversation. Chase and Y/n were talking about school related stuff but Vance Could see Chases eyes looking down at her chest but y/n was too busy talking about something so she wasn't paying attention. Vance started to get jealous and walked up to the two, grabbing Y/n's hand, making her leave the school with him. Y/n tried to grab her arm back but Vance is a lot stronger then her so she couldn't pull away from his grip. When they got to his truck he opened the door for her, slightly pushing her in and slamming the door closed. When he gets on his side, he hesitates to open the door because he knows y/n is gonna yell at him. He opens the door and too his surprised, she doesn't say a thing but she just stares out the window, ignoring him. "Look I'm sorry but did you see the way he was looking at you." Y/n ignored him, making him frustrated. "Why are you ignoring me." "Take me home." She said upset. "Y/n please just lis-" "I said take me home Vance." She said getting angry. Vance just signed, starting his truck and driving back to her house. When they get there, y/n rushes out of the truck, leaving him in there alone.

~Back to the present~

~End of POV~

~Vance POV~
I sat on my bed, wondering what I was gonna do to chase. "When Chase is walking home, I'll beat the shit out of him then." I smiled to myself, but then I thought of Y/n. She was gonna be angry with me if I did it but at the end of the day, she was gonna forgive me like every other time. I sat up, pulling my phone out of my pocket. I went to messages and clicked y/n's picture. "Baby please stop ignoring me. I really am sorry." I layed back down and sat my phone on my chest
After a few minutes, I felt my phone vibrate. "Why should I?" I was annoyed by her. She always did this to me when she was mad at me but if I did this to her, she would just cry and blow up my phone until I forgave her. I sighed. leaving her on read for a minute. "Can we please just talk about this tomorrow at your house." I stand up, tossing my phone on the bed, ignoring the vibration coming from it. I walk to the closet to get some clothes then head to the bathroom to take a shower.

~End Of POV~

~3rd person POV~

It was the next day and Vance left y/n on deliver all night. He didnt care what she said because he was gonna show up even if she said no. Vance is half asleep, reaching his arm out to find his phone and when he couldn't, he got frustrated. He sits up, rubbing his eyes before looking for his phone. When he finds its, it's on the floor but he didn't care. Y/n texted him sure but he couldn't stay long because her parents are coming home. Vance didn't like her parents because they were too strict to her but not to her brother. Her parents didn't like Vance either because they thought she could do better then someone who (in her parents words) was a failure. Vance got out of bed, going to the bathroom to get ready. Y/n was wide awake. She was trying to pick something cute out a cute outfit for him but she couldn't. After about 20 minutes, she finally put on a baggy t-shirt and short shorts. She already had her makeup and hair done, so she was just waiting for Vance to show up which she thought would take a while because he usually sleeps in until 11am or 12pm. She wondered how she would pass the time. She got on her computer and went on the hub. She had her window open but her curtains closed and her computer facing the window. Y/n put her hand into her pants, slowly rubbing herself.

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