Enemies To Lovers ~Finny~ Pt1

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~September 15, 1978~

Y/n and Finny have never gotten along. Ever since elementry school, they just couldn't stand each other. Finny was best friends with Robin but Robin was starting to show interest in Y/n, which he didn't understand why because Robin knew how Finny felt about her but Finn tried not to let it get it the way. When Robin started to hangout with Y/n, Finny was tagging along but the two would try to ignore each other but someone would always end up saying something to the other person. "Soo Y/n, wanna come over to my house for a movie night?" Robin said in the middle of class. "Sure but is Finn going to be there?" Y/n said trying to hide her annoyance. "Yes but-" "No talking in class Robin. Talk again and I'll send you to the office!" Robin just rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair.

After school, Robin told Finny that he was going to the store to get snacks and for him to wait at his house. When Finny got to Robins house, it was dark and really quiet. He walked in and turned on some of the lights and waited for Robin to get back. About 5 minutes of him waiting, there was a knock on the door and he thought that was weird because he didn't think anybody else was coming. When he open the door, it was y/n. She looked up at him and wasn't fazed  to see him there. Finny took a deep breathe in and open the door wider for her to come in. When y/n walked in, she sat on the opposite side of the couch from Finn. Finny tried to make small talk with her but she was giving him short answers and it started to make him mad. "So, Robin invited you?" "Yeah." Finny didn't really know what to say and it started to get awkward in the room. "Do you know what we are going to be watching?" "No I don't." "Oh okay" Y/n tried not to look at him but he would catch her glancing up at him from time to time. "Why don't you like me?" Y/n looked up at him, not sure why he was asking her that question. "Because you are always being an asshole to me so why would I like you?" "Im an asshole, you have always let your brother beat my ass every since you guys met me!" "You act like I can stop my brother!" "Well maybe you can try to stop him!" "Vance is his own person, we both know that." Finny stood up to say something but suddenly the door opened and Robin stood there with two bags in his hands with snacks. "Whats wrong Finny?" Finny looked at Robin and didn't say anything and just sat back down. Robin could feel the tension in the air but tried to ignore it and lighten the mood by handing out some of the snacks. Robin put on the exorcist and sat between Finny and Y/n. 2 hours later, Y/n decided it was time for her to go home and Finny agreed too because it was already 1am.  Robin had said his good byes to the 2 and watched them walk away.

Y/n and Finny started to walk the same way, so y/n decided to cross the street so she wasn't close to Finny. Finny tried his best not to look over at her but when he did, he saw a black van pull up beside y/n and he started to panic. He saw a guy get out of the driver side and grab y/n by the hair and pulled her closer to him. Finny didn't know what to do so he ran to help her but it was too late because she was already in the back of the van. "Hey, let her go!" Finny screamed and it got the grabbers attention. "Shit" The grabber mumbled and ran towards Finny because Finny was making a scene. He grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him onto the ground and sprayed something into his mouth. Soon Finny lost all his strength and stop fighting.

When Finny woke up, he tried to adjust to the light because his vision was blurry but when he did, he started to panic becase he didn't know where he was and when he looked up, he saw y/n sitting on the ground, hugging her knees, crying. "Y/n" Finny said concerned. When she looked up at him, there was relief in her eyes cause she thought he was dead. She got off the floor and basically jumped in his arms. Finny was confused but hugged her back because there was nothing else to do and he was grateful he wasn't alone. "I thought you were dead, where are we?" Y/n said confused. Finny shrugged his shoulders because all he could remmeber was getting attacked then blacking out. Finny let go of y/n and started to look around the room. There wasn't much except a dirty ripped up mattress on the ground, that they were on, a window with bars, too high for them to reach and a black phone hanging on the wall next to the bed.

Y/n started to cry and panicking even more until Finny cupped her face and wiped her tears away with his thumbs. "Its gonna be okay, were gonna get out of here. I promise." Y/n couldn't say anything because she was a sobbing mess so she just shook her head yes and put her head on Finny's shoulder. Finny was whispering to her it was gonna be alright and things were gona go back to normal when they got home but suddenly, the heavy metal door swung open and a guy in a mask walked in. "Im glad to see your up. Its been a while." He said while smilling under the mask. "What are we doing here? What do you want from us?" Finny stood up and the man stopped smiling and sighed. "You don't have to worry about anything, nothing bad is going to happen to you here, alright."  "I said why are we here!" The grabber looked at y/n then back at Finny. "It doesn't matter." The grabber moved closer in front of the 2. "You guys like soda? Hmmm? How about I get you some sodas?" He said while poking Finny on the shoulder. The grabber turned around and walked out before Finny could say anything. "We have to leave. My brother is probably worrying about me." Y/n stood up real quick and walked over to the door, trying to pull it open but it wouldn't bugged. "Vance is worried about you, I don't believe it." Finny said with an attitude. "What the fuck is your problem. He's my brother, why wouldn't he care if I was missing?" "Well he's Vance, he seems to not care about anybody but himself." "HE'S MY BROTHER. HE CARES ABOUT ME FINN!!" "Whatever." "You don't know my brother, just because he is mean to you and doesn't give one shit about you, doesn't mean he feels the same way about me." Finn just rolled his eyes and lied down on the bed.

"I cant believe I'm stuck here with you out of all people." Y/n said out loud. Finny just lied there not moving an inch. He felt his eye started to sting from the tears. "I'm here because I tried to help you. This is your fault. I should've just left you be and I would still be home with my dad and sister." Finny said but it came out as a whisper but she still heard it. Y/n tried not to let those word get to her, but they did so she just looked at the ground and eventually just sat next to the door not saying anything back. She felt bad but she too stubborn to say sorry or thank you to anyone. She knew making up with him was right but she couldn't. She took in a deep breathe and eventually fell asleep on the ground.

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