The Hunters

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A\N ~ I should add warnings, not that anything is inappropriate, I promise.  There is the mention of death and murder in this one. Also should I do secrets? Let me know in the comments! Enjoy! <3

Following behind her you went down to the main floor and noticed that there was a passage behind the staircase. Going down the corridor you saw that there were a pair of oak wood doors. Approaching them you could make out the patterns in the doors. People, plants, and other items were depicted in what looked like a story. Not having enough time to decipher what it was, Emily unlocked the door and stepped inside.The hunters’ side was more dusty and disorganized than the survivors’ side. Walking down the hallway you could hear murmuring, whispers and some laughter. Their side was just like the other, but mirrored. Coming to the center of the room tables, chairs and other items were covered in thick, heavy, grey dust. Light struggled to get in through the tall windows as dust caked them as well. Ripped curtains hung from the bars above as you stood by. 

“Why is the door locked?” You asked barely a whisper as you studied your surroundings. 

“Too keep us Survivors on our side and them on theirs. There are some parts of the house where we can meet, but that’s only the library. No one really goes there except maybe two or three people. We even have our own separate gardens.” 

“But why the separation?” 

“To be honest, dear, I don’t know. It is the way Miss Nightingale made it.” 

Coming up the stairs you came to the first floor. The stairs creaked with every step allowing fear to creep into your chest as you thought of the stairs breaking from your weight. Following your companion you stepped away from the stairs to walk down a hallway. Dusty like the main floor you could see footprints from the hunters that lived here. The smell of dust was heavy as you brushed some off the wall and pictures. The photos were different as you couldn’t decipher anyone except one person. Joseph and what looked like his twin? Feeling a hand lightly tug on your arm you realized that you had stopped walking alerting Emily to come back to pull you out of your trance. Reaching the end you saw an open entryway where the sound of voices grew louder as you both approached a door. Softly knocking the voices died down bringing an eerie silence. The sound of something sliding on the floor came closer to the door. The knob turned slowly as the door opened a crack. A pale, young face peered down at you as their soulless eyes met yours. A gentle grin slowly drew on her face as she opened the door more. 

“Welcome.” She said gently as she stepped out of the way for you. She wore a red kimono with cherry blossoms decorating the fabric. In her hand was a fan with a blade at the end. Her long, dark hair flowed gently as she turned her head watching you both as you entered. 

“It’s nice to see you again, Michiko.” Emily said calmly. 

“Please take a seat. Would you like some tea?” Michiko asked as you looked around to see more hunters. Nodding your head the room looked like a sitting room you would see in the 1800’s with a very vintage feel of a wealthy person. If the room weren’t so dusty it would feel more welcoming.

You didn’t know what was more awkward. Them staring at you or the silence. Maybe both? Scanning everyone, you saw the familiar face of the Photographer sitting in a chair by a dusty window reading what looked like a book and a tea cup on the table next to him. Across from him were two men with long hair. They looked like they could be related, but the Yin and Yang version. One’s hair was a white color like Joseph’s with a black stripe on the side. He had a calm, sweet demeanor to him unlike the one next to him. The other had black hair with a white stripe in it as he looked to be glaring at something out the window. As if sensing your staring he turned his head to glare at you. Quickly you averted your eyes to see some others on a couch to the side of you. A lady in a red velvet dress with white short hair was reading to what looked like a little boy. He had striped socks, an axe, and what looked like to be a bag on his head. Standing next to them was a really tall man with long, unkempt hair. His hair covered his face making it difficult to dipicked what he actually looked like as he seemed to be reading a few sheets of paper. A pencil in his hair he began to jot down something on the paper.  In a dark corner of the room was another person sitting in a chair. With a mask over his face, and a nice suit he observed you making you shiftuncomfortably. 

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