Chapter 7

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Author - Senpai: -jumps on reader - chan- miss me?

Reader - chan: -screams and gives
Author - Senpai her phone- U P D A T E. N O W. -takes knife out-

Author - Senpai: -sweatdrop- Not even a hello?


-(Y/n)'s POV-
Chief Yagami called a meeting for the bus jacking incident. "(Y/n), your report please.," Chief commanded.

"Hai!," I said," The bus jacker's name is Kirichiro Osorayga. He boards the 11:41 Space Land Adventure bus, near the eastern entrance to the park. He is hold a loaded gun. Then, goes up to the driver and points it towards his head. He commands the driver to call Space Land and tell them that he's hijacking the bus. He tells the person on the phone to has a female staff member to bring yesterday's earnings and wait outside. Kirichiro then starts hallucinating and shoots the back of the bus, breaking the window. Out of fear he exits the bus and falls on the ground. Right after, at 11:45am, a car comes crashing into him, ending his life. That is all Chief." Matsu pat my back, as if saying good job. I gave him a smile.

Someone stood up," With all due I doubt that Kira is behind this." Many others agreed as well. I turned to Matsu," What do you think?" "Honestly, (Y/n) - Chan, I don't know what to think...," Matsu said looking up. "Same...,"I said.

~ Later at night ~

In the end, we decided that we will not investigate further into this. Currently, it's night time and, like always, Matsu escorted me home.

I stared at my ceiling as I thought,' Will this investigation ever end? Will everything ever go back to normal? Who is L?' Before I know it, my eyes closed and I drifted to slumber.

-L's POV-
'L, did you know? Gods of death, love apples?,' I thought. "What's that supposed to mean?," I thought out loud. I sighed. I was in front of my computer screen that shows the room of the Task Force Hq. I stared at a particular person in the room.

'(Y/n)...If only we met differently, our lives wouldn't be in stake.' "Staring at (Y/n) - chan again?," A voice suddenly said, making me jump with a blush o my face. "N-No.," I shuddered looking away. Watari laughed and ruffled my hair. "They grow up so fast.,"He smiled and gave me a slice of chocolate cake, Enjoy."

-Chief Yagami's POV-
It's the middle of the night and I got a phone call from someone. Who could be calling at this night of the night? I checked it and it's the Director of The FBI. Huh? Did something happen?

I answered," Yes, this is Chief Yagami." "Hello Chief, sorry to bother your sleep. This is important.," He said. "It's alright. Anyway, what is it?," I asked. "I got a report that says all the agents we sent to Japan are dead. All twelve died of heart attack. We assumed that Kira is behind this. So, we came to a conclusion and ended our investigation. I'm sorry.,"He sincerely says. "It's ok. I understand. Good night.," I said. "Night.," He replied before hanging up the phone. I laid in bed and wrapped my arms around my wife. I kissed her cheek before drifting to sleep.

~The next day~

"I'll be contacting L. Please try to keep it down.," I said. "Hai!," Everyone replied. I thought he should know about this, if he wasn't informed. He probably was though. "L, I just got of the phone with the Director of The FBI. According to him, it seems you've arranged the FBI to come to Japan and investigate everyone here associated with the task force.," I explained. "Yes, I did.," He admitted. "So how do you explain this? Are we now suspects in our own investigation?,"I said. "I felt that it was necessary to uncover Kira's identity.," He explained blankly. "I can not accept that! I find it unbelievable that you would spy on us.," I yelled," The very people working with you on this case."

-(Y/n)'a POV-

As Chief Yagami was talking to L, there was a lot of people chatting with the person next to them. It seems L doesn't really trust us. I sighed. "Every thing ok (Y/n)?," Matsu asked. "Mhm! Thank you.,"I smiled.

-Matsu's POV-

When (Y/n) smiled, I felt my cheeks heaten up and my heart beat faster. She was simply beautiful. I couldn't help, but smile back.

-L's POV-
"We have another victim. A note was found at the scene.," Watari explained. "Hm?," I thought out loud.
L, did you know? Gods of death, love apples.
'Damn you Kira!,' I thought

Author - Senpai: ;-; I'm sorry it's bad

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