A Planet Like Earth

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Never have I ever thought that I would end up inside a spaceship. Who knew stealing something valuable from the SPACENET would actually lead me to fly into outer space?

Not that I don't like it, of course. It just gets boring as we travel further.

And here I am wearing a spacesuit inside the rocket provided by them. My quest was to help them from another meteorite attack. Since I am sentenced to death (not only because of this but also due to other tiny bits of violent activities) they thought of letting me do something useful, at least before I die.

There are 4 space net members and 2 other prisoners along with me in the spaceship. It really did start getting very boring now. So, I decided to play my ukulele. I strum the strings which led me to catch certain eyes. "It is really boring in the space. Sitting here jaded with no space." And that one line was enough to catch everyone's attention.

The next thing we knew was the ship starting to act weird.

We all went back to our seats, running like we stole something from the bank, and started to buckle up. The system made weird noises. And red lights started to light up bright. Brighter than the stars in space.

"Let's land somewhere and figure out what the problem is.", screamed Jane, one of the prisoners. "We are stuck in outer space and don't really know where we are!", screamed back the space net member, Rayan.

"Caution! Landing in the unknown territory", the system beeped. That made all of us look at where we have landed. The planet looked blue; it did make me mistaken for the earth but no. And how did I know? Well, India was not even there!

It looked like the whole continents have been put together surrounded by an ocean. It looked really jaw-dropping. "We are landing!", said the ship captain. And so did we with a very loud thud.

"Everyone, wear your helmet. Though this planet seems to have an abundant amount of oxygen, I suggest we don't take any risk." All of us nodded in unison.

Just what kind of planet have we landed on?

We came out of the ship and all of us were surprised to see the view of this planet. The surrounding was green. Huge mountains lying around with something spiraling around it. There is a riverine which separates the two huge mountains. Different types of plants growing around. This place looked like how the earth would've been millions of years ago but with a little bit of technology utilized.

We decided to walk around a bit to investigate this place.

It was fully green and beautiful. No words could describe the beauty of this place. The lovely vegetation. When you look closer at the plants, there are no insects surrounding them. Just the plants being plants, nothing around it. And these plants are very different. There is ordinary grass along with various plants that we never found on our planet.

Spiraling flowers in various colors, star-shaped flowers which have extremely pointed edges and so much more. Mother nature has blessed them with plenty here.

We continued to look around, and that's when we reached one of those mountains with spirals. There was an automatic at the very bottom of the mountain. No one was sure as to what to do but we are in a do-or-die situation. So, we decided to go in.

There was no beeping sound heard or anything to alert the security. Lucky us, I guess.

Inside there was a room with cool ceilings. It didn't seem like someone had constructed it rather it was there, naturally. "Wow! what is this place?", Jane gasped out loud. Loud enough to eco throughout the whole place.

Also, loud enough to create loud screams which sounded like the scream of dinosaurs. Wait, dinosaurs?

We went out to see what it was and yes there were dinosaurs. Big with sharp looking teethes. They started to run towards us. We didn't know what to do and we were just standing there. That's when someone screamed, "Hey! Come inside this mountain. Hurry." And so did we.

We ran as fast as we could and went inside where we were before.

Now there were different people who waited inside the building. There were hundreds or thousands of them. People with different ethnicity together. I felt like I was a part of some world peace organization.

"What is this place?", I asked, trying to break the air between us. An old woman from the crowd stood in front of us. She was wearing a saree resembling her Asian country, India. "You are in Kepler 452B, a place where life exists after existing on planet earth." "Wait! What do you mean 'after existing on planet earth?" She gave pity a look. "Child, people who have died on earth, end up here."

And that led me into a 360. The next thing I knew I fainted on the ground.

I woke up to see Jane sitting, looking at me. My helmet was taken, and so was hers. "Hey, are you all right?", she asked. "Yeah, I am." I got up to see where I am. I was sleeping inside a circle bed that has been attached to a wall. When got down from it, I was able to walls of circle beds. Making it look like a honeycomb in the inward direction.

I looked at Jane and asked, "Are we really dead?" She choked and then burst into a loud laugh. She started to wheeze, later. "No one is dead, bro. Besides, why are you so worried about it? You know we would die eventually."

She was not wrong.

Why was I worried about it? Did I suddenly find the urge to live? Or, when I looked at all those people, I realized how it would be to be dead.

"' Our captain' talked to them and asked them regarding the ship. They said they have an engineer here who had passed away recently, is here, and knows all those kinds of stuff. So, they told us to be here till it has been fixed.", she said casually. Which was a bit creepy, for odd reasons.

"How long was I...uh...asleep?", I asked, not sure whether sleep was the right word here. "For 3 hours or so.", she said and got up to leave. "Let's go down, they said that they had prepared something for us to eat." I was hesitating. She noticed it. "Don't worry, it's not dinosaur meat." She chuckled and left.

The food was not dinosaur meat. Rather something else which I was not so curious to ask because I know that I would regret it if I did.

Suddenly a boy, who liked like an American, approached us. He looked young and somewhat familiar too. I can't believe he died at such a young age. "Hey. Uh- I just want to... um know something.", he said very nervously. "What is it?", I asked. "Do you know Eva Riley?" Why did that name hit me on my head? "What about her?", I asked curiously. "She was my mom. I died when a truck hit on me and my mom when we were coming back from a vacation. Luckily, she survived. I don't really know how she is doing. But uh-um can you please tell her that her son is doing well when you reach back to earth?" I nodded my yes. Which made him very happy.

The next few days flew by, very fast. The people here were very kind and thoughtful. Nature was breath-taking.

But this is not earth. And I, don't belong here.

On top of it all, I have an important task to complete.

The rocket was fixed, and we were ready to leave. We bid our goodbyes and thanks. I saw the boy one last time, he was smiling at me with a hopeful expression. I smiled at him back.

Our rocket took off from Kepler and now we are in space.

We found the meteorite; it was approaching us now. Our rocket wasn't really that fast, but we must get away from it.

"We are surely going to die now.", screamed our captain. "Not today", I said. I jump onto the seat and got ready. As the meteorite approached us, I shoot it with the large missile, provided by the people from Kepler. The meteorite blasted into a million pieces.

The earth was saved.

And I am going to go home and tell my sister that her son was doing well. He is on a planet like earth.



Hey there everyone!!!

Hope you enjoyed this story related to space and the planet KEPLER 452B. I remember how people used to be so obsessed with this planet because it had certain characteristics which resembled the planet earth.

Song: My Universe- Coldplay X BTS

Thanx a lot for reading and until next time see ya<3

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