Ch. 11 ) Missing You

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The day of the Imperial Scholars Mixer arrives. Damian is inside of the Tower of Wisdom, waiting to see if his father will come. He leans against the wall, crossing his arms as he watches the rest of the students and parents interact. 

Jeeves said Father will try coming today. He scans the room. But, he still hasn't shown up yet. 

After a bit more waiting, Donovan Desmond enters the building. Damian notices him, his face lighting up. Father! But he tries keeping a neutral face on. I need to stay calm. He straightens himself up, as he approaches his Father, whom is being accompanied by body guards.

"Hello F-Father." He becomes nervous, finally meeting with his Father again.

Donovan nods. "It's been quite some time, son." He gives off a very menacing aura.

Damian struggles to make eye contact with him. "Y-yes." 

An awkward silence is brought upon them.

"O-oh, I was ranked 7th in my grade on the midterm." Damian broke the ice.

Donovan stared at him. "Hm, Is that so?"

Damian nodded, sweating from anxiousness. I didn't think I'd be this nervous to see him again..

"Good then. Now, there is something I need to discuss with you in private." His Father said to the boy.

He looked at him, surprised. He has something to tell me?? "O-okay."

Damian followed his Father into a separate room in the Tower of Wisdom.

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They walked in the room, which had bookshelves and files of old archives. They take a seat on two sofa chairs, which were right in front of a fireplace. Above the fire place had a painting of the first chairman of Eden Academy.

Donovan began to speak. "Now son, I brought you here to discuss an important matter with you."

Damian stood up straight in his seat. "What's it about, Father?" He asked.

"Starting today, you'll be taking combat training lessons after your student council meetings." He declared to him.

The boy was taken back by the spontaneous order. "Huh? But why do I have to take combat lessons??"

"There are suspicions of a war occurring between Ostania and Westalis. Whether it happens or not, I want you to be capable of protecting yourself." Donovan said to his son. In actuality, he wants to see if Damian could be a potential candidate to add to his army.

A war might happen?? Damian was taken back by that rumor. "Well.. I'm not sure how I'll be able to balance out school, studying and combat training everyday. I even have a student council meeting to go to each day and-"

"You will figure it out. After all... life is not fair." Donovan stared right into Damian's eyes as he said that.

Damian felt a cold chill down his spine. But I also have to help Anya study, if I don't then we might not be able to stay in the same class.

Donovan interrupted his thoughts. "You are said to have naturally fast reflexes. I'm sure you should be able to pick up the pace quickly."

His son kept silent a bit, taking everything in. "What will I be learning during combat training?" He asked.

"Handling weapons, hand-to-hand combat, defense, endurance, etcetera. If you have any more questions, then ask the instructor that will be training you." Donovan replied. "I expect you to be present in every single training session." 

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