Ch. 39 ) Wedding Day

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Anya steps out of the dressing room, wearing a long, lavender dress. "Does this one look good?" she asked Damian.

"Yeah," Damian was tired looking at so many options of clothing.

Anya stares at her dress in the mirror, eventually grunting and saying, "Ahh, it's not good enough!"

Damian rolls his eyes at yet another rejection. "Since when do you care about dressing up? Have you been hanging around Becky that much?"

"It's my Papa and Mama's first official wedding!" Anya replied, almost offended of his question, "it all needs to be special."

"I guess, but why bring me to the galleria if all I'm gonna do is watch you being indecisive," Damian sarcastically said. "The wedding is tomorrow, you oughtta make a decision."

Anya pouts. Ever since she was a kid, the thought of her parents officially becoming together as real husband and wife seemed almost impossible due to their circumstances. Now that it is actually happening, the experience feels so surreal to her. Anya deeply thinks about this as she stares at herself in the mirror.

Damian gets up from his seat and hugs Anya from behind. "Stop worrying so much," he says. "Everything will be special no matter what, you don't need to stress about making it all perfect."

His comfort soothes Anya's feelings. "Can you read my mind now?" She giggles. Sy-on is right, I just can't believe this is happening: the day where Papa and Mama truly get married!

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They walked into the alter, and the inside was beautiful

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They walked into the alter, and the inside was beautiful. There were lanterns hung from the ceiling, white roses decorated by the walls, and lit candles by the sides. There was a white carpet that made a pathway from the entrance up to where the groom and bride would meet for their vows.

Damian and Anya were in awe. "This place looks amazing!" Anya gasps, as Damian nods in agreement. He wore a black tuxedo, having his hair slicked back, looking very fancy.

Two people, who have just arrived, walk up from behind them. They were Becky and Bill. "Hi, Damian! Hi, Any-" She gasps noticing what Anya was wearing.

It was a beautiful light pink dress, that had a floral pattern at the skirt. Her hair was half down, half tied up with a golden butterfly pin. "OMG! YOU LOOK SO GORGEOUS!!" Becky said out loud from amazement.

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