Choco x milk (lazy)

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Milk cookie and dark Choco tramped through the long vines and tall grass, trying to be careful not to be pricked by a plant or tangled in a branch. "Are we almost back to the kingdom?" Milk cookie asked looking around the forest. "I don't think so, we might just need to find a cabin or something for tonight." Choco replied.

The two had just gotten back from a mission, they needed to find their way home before the cake hounds or any other creatures found them, "okay milk, keep an eye out for any type of cave or cabin we would stay in. It's dangerous to stay out during the night" Choco told milk. "Okay! I'll keep an eye out!" The other replied as he looked around.

A few hours go by and still no sight of anywhere to stay, "We might just need to" Choco began, but before he could finish milk cookie interrupted. "oh look! A cabin Choco! I found a cabin." Milk cookie exclaimed as he pointed to it. "It looks a bit worn down, for afar at least. but It'll do for tonight" Choco said.

The two head down to the cabin, it wasn't to far considering that they spotted it in such a large forest. "Okay milk cookie be ready, anything could be in there waiting for us" Choco explained. He pulled out his sword, "okay I am ready" milk cookie replied. Choco pushed open the door and nothing was inside.

It was a wooden cabin, it seemed to have been some-cookies home before but they'd left it. The curtains where fluffy open and the place didn't seem old, but was torn up and messy, and there was a bed and bassinet. "I wonder what cookies lived here before?" Milk cookie spoke. "Who knows, let's just go to sleep so we can get going tomorrow"

Right as they both where ready to go to sleep, a child started crying, "what is that noise?" Choco asked, milk cookie stood up and went to the bassinet. "Oh Choco! It's a little coffee baby!" Milk cookie exclaimed uncovering the baby in the bassinet. It was a coffee cookie, it had blueberry colored eyes and was wrapped up tight in a blanket. "A child? Really..?" Choco said. "Yes! Aw it's so cute!" Milk cookie said.

Choco picked up the baby and held it, "it needs food, for all we know it's starving" Choco said. The baby continued crying as dark Choco cradled it gently. "Do you think it's hurt?" Milk cookie asked. "I dont know, take of my cape do we can use it to keep the baby warm." Choco verbalized bending down to milks level.

Soon, the baby stopped crying due to dark Choco cradling it. Choco wrapped it in a blanket that was already in the bassinet, and then once he put the wrapped baby back in the bassinet he covered the babies body with his cape. "Should we go to sleep Choco?" Milk cookie asked. "Sure, I'll sleep on the floor. You can sleep on the bed." Dark choco offered. " oh alright :)"

Milk cookie woke up at around 01:30/1:30am. Freezing cold. He climbed off the bed snd lied next to Choco, "milk..? Wyd..?" The chocolate cookie asked. "I- I got cold.." milk cookie explained. Choco wrapped his arm around milk cookie and pulled him close to him. "Good night milk" Choco mumbled resting his face on milk cookie.

In the morning the two woke up hugging eachother, the baby crying, and the sun barley risen. "Mhp..?" Milk cookie groaned trying to get up. "No stay." Choco muttered. "We have to go Choco, we have to get the baby to safty." Milk cookie explained. Choco held him for a few more minutes and then let him go. The other sat up and picket up the wrapped up cookie. "Calm down little coffee bean" Choco whispered. "How do you know it's a coffee cookie?" "She just is. See?" Choco said holding up the unwrapped up baby. "Oh I see, what's its gender?" Questioned milk. "We find out when we change it. Look for diapers" Choco replied.

A few minutes later they find diapers than change the baby girl. After they changed her they headed out to the trail to get home. "What are we gonna do when we get home, ya know with her?" Dark choco asked. Milk cookie shrugged. "Maybe. We could take care of her until someone wants her?" Milk cookie requested as he tickled the baby. Choco thought for a moment than nodded his head, "sure, I don't see any issues with that."

The 3 continued walking until they hit the kingdom. "Little coffee bean, this is the kingdom you will live in!" Milk cookie exclaimed picking her up like simba in lion king when they sang circle of life. The baby giggled as it looked around. "Let's get it some food. " Choco recommended.

The two when to milk cookies house because according to Choco it was "more baby proof." They fed the baby and honestly I haven't even come in contact with a baby before so idk what they do other than poop pee and cry and look cute. So the baby did that. Until it was 4 months later. "Choco, I have a question..?" Milk cookie asked as he fed the baby some milk. Isn't that weird a milk cookie feeding a child milk? Anyway. "What's wrong milky" Choco replied. He looked tired n stuff because the baby cried during the night lolz.

"Can we.. keep the baby together?" Milk cookie scaredily asked Choco."Like as a family ?" He questioned. "Yes..?" Milk cookie said

"Of course-!" Choco replied. "Wait you have a crush on me too!?" Milk said happily. "Oh you meant like that..? I have a crush on you too" Choco said. "What mf what did you think I meant" "I thought mh meant like a no homo taking care of child family" "stupid.@

The end lolz

COOKIE RUN KINGDOM One shots cuz I'm gay (please read first page)Where stories live. Discover now