Chapter 22

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Wang Yi is in the garden while looking at the flowers, Fei Qinyuan saw her so she approach and bow in front of her, "Greetings to his majesty." She said and smile widely.

"Please rise." Wang Yi said without even looking at her, "Thank you, your majesty." She said and stand straight in front of her.

"Why are you here, lady Fei? Don't you know that no one can enter without my permission?" She said and Fei Qinyuan show a worried expression about what she said, "Please forgive me your majesty. I thought it will be a great idea to see you here." She said and Wang Yi coldly nod.

"Just don't do it again." She said with a cold expression and a cold voice, Fei Qinyuan smile widely and gently hold her hand. "Your majesty, can I hold your hand again?" She asked and Wang Yi don't know how to react.

"Princess Zhou is here!" The eunuch announced and Wang Yi immediately let go of Fei Qinyuan's hand, "Let her in!" Wang Yi order the guards.

A few seconds, Zhou Shiyu enter and bow in front of her, "Greetings to his majesty." She said and Wang Yi look away, "What do you want?" Wang Yi asked in a cold voice.

"I wanted to talk to you."

"Just do it later." Wang Yi said and Zhou Shiyu was a bit surprised to hear that, she started to realize that Wang Yi's true color is coming out.

"Greetings to her highness Zhou." Fei Qinyuan bow at Zhou Shiyu and Zhou Shiyu didn't respond at her. "Yi Yi, this is important." She try to talk to Wang Yi but Wang Yi coldly say, "I said... Just do it later." She said and Zhou Shiyu sigh deeply.

"Fine... Do what you want." She said and leave her alone.

Wang Yi felt a little bit guilty about it, she use to be kind to her at the other days but she clearly knew to herself that it was just a play that she need to do.

Wang Yi sigh deeply and say, "Go home, lady Fei." She said and walk away from Fei Qinyuan.

Fei Qinyuan suddenly felt a little bit anger deep inside her heart, "That Zhou Shiyu will ruin my plan!!" She angrily whisper to herself, but she doesn't have a choice but to walk away from the place.

Wang Yi go straight to Yuan Yiqi who is drinking wine in her pavilion with Shen Mengyao.

She approach them and Yuan Yiqi and Shen Mengyao immediately bow at her, "Greetings to his majesty!" They said and seems a little bit panicked.

"Stop that! We're the only people in this pavilion so stop treating me like an emperor." She said and Shen Mengyao seems a bit hesitated to do it, "But-." Before she finish, Wang Yi say, "Just call me Yi Yi, sister Yaoyao." She said and drink the wine in the cup.

"Fine. Yi Yi." She said and Wang Yi show a frown expression, "Why I felt guilty for making sister Zhou angry?" She said and drink another wine without hesitation.

"What do you mean?" Shen Mengyao asked her, "We got into a fight, I felt like I am a bad person." She said and drink another wine, Yuan Yiqi stop her and put the wine away from her.

"Why? What happened?" Shen Mengyao asked her and Wang Yi shook her head, "Forget it! My problem is how am I suppose to save my mother." She said and sigh deeply.

"I heard that you're finding a person with a red lotus pattern... Then, if that's the case, then I'll help you find that person." Shen Mengyao said and take a sip of her wine, Yuan Yiqi just sigh deeply and directly look at Wang Yi.

"Yi Yi, stop stressing yourself... You're still young and you have more things to do." She said and Wang Yi nod multiple times, "I know. Give me the wine." She said and Yuan Yiqi pass the bottle of wine to her.

But instead of pouring it to her cup, Wang Yi just drink the whole bottle by herself.

A few hours later

Yuan Yiqi and Shen Mengyao fell asleep because of being drunk, but Wang Yi is still awake but already drunk.

After the bottle of wine was finish, she stand up and walk away from the pavilion. She seems a bit dizzy and she's smiling like a fool walking in the hallway to go to her chamber.

But she accidentally take the left way and the guards saw her, they immediately bow and say, "Greetings to his majesty!" They said and Wang Yi ignore them.

She open the door of Zhou Shiyu's chamber and enter without saying anything.

Then she just lie down in the bed and didn't notice Zhou Shiyu beside her, but she turn around and face Zhou Shiyu. She smile widely and say, "Mother! Am I dreaming?!" She said and laugh.

Zhou Shiyu open her eyes after being disturbed by Wang Yi's noisy voice, she didn't react much but when Wang Yi embrace her, she was so shock about it.

"Mother! Please don't leave!" She said and Zhou Shiyu understand why she's acting like this.

Zhou Shiyu turn around and saw that Wang Yi is already crying, she just show a frown expression and wipe her tears. Then she buried her head in her chest and embrace her gently.

"It's okay.. Everything will be alright." She said and kiss her forehead.

Then Wang Yi suddenly stop crying and fell asleep in her arms and warm embrace.


Chapter 22

Sana all!

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