Chapter 34 : Let me take care of you

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After a few minutes, they're all finish changing the bandages and Wang Yi is feeding Zhou Shiyu with a porridge.

"Your majesty, you're not angry anymore?" Zhou Shiyu asked in a weak tone and Wang Yi shook her head and say, "Now I know why you're so defensive. I won't be angry now that you're weak." She said and continue to feed her.

After Zhou Shiyu ate the whole porridge, Wang Yi get the painkiller and a water. She pass it to Zhou Shiyu and say, "That's the medicine that physician Liu gave." She said with a cold voice and Zhou Shiyu immediately swallow it with water.

"Thank you. But how's your mother?" She asked and Wang Yi show a faint smile and say, "She's fine now, don't worry."

Wang Yi gently lay her head down in the pillow.

"Sleep and rest, you need more strength." She said and Zhou Shiyu nod multiple times and slowly close her eyes.

Wang Yi get the wet handkerchief and squeeze it carefully in the basin, after that, she gently put it in Zhou Shiyu's forehead.

She realize that Zhou Shiyu immediately fell asleep and by that, she doesn't want to bother her anymore.

But the door suddenly open and Wang Yi was startled, she look at Zhou Shiyu with a worried expression and saw that she's just sleeping so she sigh deeply and look at the person who recklessly open the door.

But into her surprise, it was her mother and her cousin Yuan Yiqi.

"Is she your wife?" Li Chu asked and Wang Yi nod multiple times.

Li Chu suddenly approach and say, "I'm worried about her! Is she okay?!!" Li Chu is panicking and Wang Yi know that.

"Mother, please let her rest!" She said and Li Chu look at her with a serious expression and hit her arm, "She's your wife but servants said that you treat her differently! Did I taught you about that, Huh? Yi Yi?!" Li Chu said and seems angry.

Wang Yi is problematic about her behavior that's why she send a hand gesture signal to Yuan Yiqi.

Yuan Yiqi understood it and approach Li Chu, "Ahm, Aunt. Please let's go out. I'm sure, cousin will talk to you after princess Zhou recover." She said and Li Chu sigh deeply and say, "Take good care of her." She said and go out in the Emperor's chamber.

Wang Yi sigh in relief, she doesn't want Zhou Shiyu to be disturb.

She touch her forehead and knew that the fever is still high, but she get to sniff the sweet scent again and can't help but to approach the white neck.

She gently take a sniff and then gently caress the hair, but she suddenly realize that she wasn't supposed to do that.

She shouldn't take advantage to a weak person who always saved her, she shook her head and just look away to ease the awkwardness she felt at that time.

"I didn't knew that red lotus person have a unique scent." The words that bother her mind and can't help but to hold the hot hand of Zhou Shiyu.

"I never knew that... That, you're sweet." Wang Yi uttered and lie down beside Zhou Shiyu, and she continue to sniff the sweet scent but she never knew that she'll fall asleep.


Zhou Shiyu open her eyes and saw that Wang Yi is embracing her, she also notice that their faces are close to each other. By that, Zhou Shiyu distance a bit but never knew that Wang Yi will slowly open her eyes and look at her.

Zhou Shiyu was a bit surprised, "Your majesty?"

"Does the wound still hurt?" Wang Yi asked and Zhou Shiyu shook her head, "I'm not sure, your majesty." She said and Wang Yi touch her forehead and say, "You still have a fever."

"Your majesty, you still have more work to do." Zhou Shiyu remind her but Wang Yi stay beside her and say, "You were hurt because of saving me, sister Zhou. And I also wanted to apologize to all the things I said." She said and Zhou Shiyu shook her head.

"Your majesty, you don't need to apologize—"

"Sister Zhou Zhou, let me take care of you." Wang Yi said and Zhou Shiyu was so shock to hear that, "No need your majesty. I'm afraid that I'll be a burden to you." She said and Wang Yi shook her head.

"You saved me and my mother, why would you be a burden to me?" Wang Yi asked and Zhou Shiyu don't know what to say.

Wang Yi sigh deeply and say, "Are you hungry?" She asked and Zhou Shiyu look at her and nod multiple times, "Then, I'll ask physician Liu about the food you'll eat." Wang Yi said and slowly get up.

Before she leave she look at Zhou Shiyu and say, "Sleep for a while, I'll be back." She uttered and left the room.

Zhou Shiyu sigh and close her eyes, she can still feel that she's weak and her wound is aching a bit.


Chapter 34 ends.

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