Chapter 25

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Zhou Shiyu get a pill in her drawer and she immediately swallow one.

What happened in Wang Yi's chamber makes her to be in a panic state that she can't even control her body trembling so much.

"Mingzi! Mingzi!" She keep calling Zhang Yueming but Zhang Yueming didn't came to calm her down.

Zhou Shiyu can't help but to cry, she lie down in the bed and make herself calm down. She embrace the pillows and imagine that Zhang Yueming is beside her and making her calm down.

"I miss my little sister." She whisper to herself and keep on crying.


Zhou Shiyu keep thinking if she need to hurt her arm or not?

She keep thinking about it that make her remember that Wang Yi's mother already need an antidote, but she's also worried that Wang Yi find out that she's a red lotus.

Maid Ji enter and was so shock to see her holding a knife, she rush to Zhou Shiyu and stop her.

"Princess Zhou! Please don't kill yourself!!" She said panicking and Zhou Shiyu was puzzled to her sudden behavior, "I'm not going to do that!" She said and put the knife down.

"Then, why are you holding a knife?" Maid Ji asked and Zhou Shiyu don't know what to excuse, but she say, "I was just checking if it's sharp or not!" She lie to her even she wanted to hurt herself.

Maid Ji calm down and say, "You can tell me if you feel something?" She said and Zhou Shiyu smile awkwardly, "Yeah... Thanks." She said and maid Ji was still worried about her.

"Then I'm taking the knife with me." She said and take the knife, Zhou Shiyu wanted to say something but she can't since maid Ji already caught her.

Maid Ji left her room and Zhou Shiyu felt a little bit anxious about it.

But she need to move. She remember what Wang Yi told her and she doesn't want that to happen.

So she get the secret dagger in her pocket and make a cut in her arm, she endure the pain for a minute and let the blood drop in the bottle.

Zhou Shiyu suddenly became pale after filling one bottle by her own blood, she immediately put a clean cloth in her wound and close the bottle.

She was having cold sweats and stand up, she open a drawer and get one painkiller from a bottle and then swallow it without hesitating.

But her wound still hurt.

She look at the dagger and saw that it was a Zhang's sharp blade, she felt so stupid for realizing that thing.

Maid Ji enter again and saw her sweating so much, "Princess! Are you okay?!" She panicked and help her to sit down in the bed.

Maid Ji notice her arm that keep bleeding so she was so shock that her jaw drop.

"Princess! You hurt yourself!!" She said and keep on panicking, "Don't shout! It will be okay." She said and sigh deeply.

"Should I call a physician?" She asked and Zhou Shiyu shook her head, "No need... I will be fine tomorrow." She said and lie her head down in the pillow.

Zhou Shiyu sigh deeply and just ignore the pain in her arm.

"Wait, I'll get a bandage!" Maid Ji said and go out, Zhou Shiyu didn't respond and just focus on her wound. She wanted to ignore it but the wound is getting worst.

She can't help but to cry from the pain, she really regret for not checking what kind of dagger she's using to hurt herself and by that, she felt so stupid.

"Aiya! Zhou Shiyu!!" She was disappointed at herself.

Maid Ji enter with a cold water and a clean handkerchief, she check her wound and keep on panicking.

She clearly don't know what to do.

"Maid Ji, you can leave it.. I can just sleep with it." Zhou Shiyu said and Hei Ji completely shook her head, "How could you do this to yourself? You shouldn't hurt yourself, your highness." She said and started to cry.

Zhou Shiyu was guilty about it but she can't blame her for being like that.

"Let me get you a herb!" Hei Ji was about to leave but Zhou Shiyu stop her and shook her head, "No need... The pain will go away after I sleep, just stay here." She said and keep holding her hand.

Hei Ji just obey her and sit beside her.

Zhou Shiyu close her eyes and keep ignoring the pain in her arm, but maid Ji is nervous by looking at the bleeding wound.

She get the clean handkerchief and apply pressure to stop the bleeding in her arm and Zhou Shiyu seems fell sleep.

She don't say anything or show any sign of discomfort, just continue to sleep and ignore everything.

Maid Ji sigh deeply and felt guilty for her.

"Princess Zhou, please don't hurt yourself." She said and Zhou Shiyu nod multiple times, it seems that Zhou Shiyu wasn't asleep at all. She just don't want to make her worried so she need to show an expressionless face even she felt the pain.

Maid Ji get another clean handkerchief and wipe her cold sweats in her forehead, then Zhou Shiyu really fell asleep after the room was filled with silence.


Chapter 25 ends.

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