Diana stepped gracefully out of her carriage (https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.2400ae62eaf07f3ff4cf689b156ee813?rik=Q9B9DvzEtSxaCA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) her head held high, as she slid into the building behind her parents.'Marquess John and Marchioness Elise Boleyn, Lady Kathryn and Lady Diana Boleyn.' The House-Elf, a shrivelled, snivelling green creature, called out as they made their way up the steps of the imposing Black Estate. Cygnus Black greeted them coolly but cordially, in the customary pure-blooded manner and the Boleyns, not to be outdone, did the same. Only Kathryn, Diana's elder sister, stuck her tongue at him behind her mother's back. Mr. Black did not notice, but Bellatrix- the little madam of the family- did and shot her a death glare. Diana tried unsuccessfully not to shrink under her cold, threatening gaze- even though it was not directed at her. Normally, at balls like this, Diana would avoid Bellatrix like the plague, but today there was no help for it considering the whole party was celebrating her coming of age.
Diana gave her a brief nod, avoiding eye contact and murmured 'Many happy returns of the day,' before walking off as quickly as was dignified, lifting her chiffony black skirts (https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.7fabb715389bc0f825e3c0805d247854?rik=1%2bFSuzhnRLfZnw&riu=http%3a%2f%2fg01.a.alicdn.com%2fkf%2fHTB1.iasKpXXXXc_XFXXq6xXFXXXK%2fblack-plain-long-ball-gown-black-dress-royal-medieval-dress-princess-Renaissance-Gown-queen-gown-Victoria.jpg&ehk=EyuQffmbxCp9DQVf5tQrq23KmuxzGnXxukYEYdbrg%2bQ%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) a little as she did so. She stopped next to Narcissa, who looked every bit as queenly as her sister, in pink lipstick and a green ensemble (https://cdn77.gemgrace.com/38271-thickbox_default/mermaid-green-lace-beading-prom-formal-dress-with-off-shoulder-strap.jpg) though in a less terrible way, and began to make small talk. Narcissa was definitely Diana's preferred Black sister.
By the end of the evening, Diana was certain she had behaved in a perfectly acceptable manner, and her parents had nothing to complain about and she was rather pleased with herself. To be sure she was not the epitome of pure-bloodedness, but she had managed to avoid any confrontations with the more extreme, sadistic witches and wizards, instead rotating around Narcissa and Regulus Black alongside a few less known ones. She had been perfectly graceful and gracious too, not friendly, and careful not to incriminate herself of certain less... pure-blooded practises. She was just running the events of the day through her mind when a loud crash sounded from the kitchen. Druella Black, the lady of the house, glowered.
'Kreacher!' The house-elf who had formerly assumed the role of parlour maid materialized in front of her. I looked to Narcissa as she began to bark out instructions at him, wondering if she knew what she was going on. Her surprised countenance informed me she did not. Presently, Kreacher came out of the kitchen with Kathryn, grinning madly, behind him. Diana instantly had an etching of what had just occurred, and longed to sink into the floor.
The events, as it happened, had turned out like this. Kathryn, aside from wearing a scandalisingly short dress (https://img.promgirl.com/_img/PGPRODUCTS/2228132/1000/navy-dress-LP-27732-a.jpg) had caused little drama at the ball up till that moment. Bored, and never one for the stiff formalities between pureblood families, she had decided to enter the kitchen to amuse herself. It was not long when she thought of a perfect way to do just that and express her disdain for the House of Black. She had taken up a large silver platter covered it in mud and formed the letters 'THE HOUSE OF BLACK: PLATES AND BELIEFS FAR DIRTIER THAN THE MUD THEY CLAIM RUNS THROUGH MANY A BETTER WIZARD'S VEINS'. She had then proceeded to fling the plate upon the ground causing it to clatter and attract the attention of the party-goers, which she had most certainly succeeded in. Both the Blacks and Diana's parents were furious and the Marchioness declared that Kathryn would no longer be attending any such balls.
Back in the carriage, Diana stared at her sister with a mix of disapproving and admiration.
'How do you do things like that, Kitty?' she whispered, her eyes wide. Her sister grinned.
'Just do.'
Artemis (A Remus Lupin love-story).
FanfictionDiana Boleyn is a sheltered, protected young girl from the esteemed Pureblood Wizarding family the Boleyns. Growing up, books have been the only thing which kept her from becoming a carbon copy of the pure-blood princess she was always meant to be;...