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After the explanation of SerVamp; which is an abbreviation of Servant Vampire from Tsumi or also known as Kyoufu, [y/n] is in a complete shock.

In their whole life, there's nothing about vampire in the city before. This is a new information for sure.

Right now, Kyoufu and [y/n] are sitting on the dinner table, eating some curry 🍛✨

It was an awkward and uncomfortable silence so [y/n] decided to speak first. "So... Do you want to go outside later? You know, for fresh air or something?"

Kyoufu look up with his beautiful red eyes and a shocked expression said, "... Okay..."


And more awkward silence...

Time skip~~~~~~

Both of the new partner are walking side by side, down the road since there's a night market so [y/n] decided they should go there since they needs some new jacket.

In the middle of the night market, there's a big crowd of people. There's someone talking with a loud voice.

"Hmmm.. Let's go see what are they doing, Kyoufu."


They walk, pushing the people around to go to the middle. There's a guy with pink hair wearing some sort of clown clothes, putting his hand on a boy with blonde hair, held back with a red headband's shoulder. The blonde boy wear a school uniform. There's two other boys at the side with the same uniform, so [y/n] assume they're friends. Both of them having brown eyes and hair.

"Now here's a question for you! Why do you think I stopped this guy?"


"One, because he ignored me. Two, because he cut in front of me. Three, because I'm hungry. Four, because he ignored me. The answer is...-"

The magician looking man bite the boy's neck. Blood gushes out of his neck, as the crowd filled with shocked and scared noises.


After he said that, he let go of the boy. The boy fell and his friends run to him.



The crowd panicked and scream as they run away, fear of getting the same fate as the blonde boy.

[Y/n] stared in horror, trying to move their body to join the others saving themselves.

The pink haired man laughed while clinging to a lamp post, "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR CHEERS!"

The boy on the floor is unconscious as his friends try to wake him up. Another crowd form in front of the night market's gate.

Belkia, the pink haired man felt more excited because of that. "The crowd always get more excited about this than they do magic!"

Mahiru, one of the boy named Ryusei's friend turns his head towards Belkia.

"That's because vampires are rarer than magicians, right?"


"That's right! You picked up one yesterday, didn't you?"

'What? There's other vampires besides Kyoufu? Why he didn't tell me?' [y/n] asked themselves.

"Who the hell are you? Kuro's friend?"

The Sin of Guilt ☾︎♫︎☽︎ ˢᵉʳᵛᵃᵐᵖ !! ᵒᶜ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ & ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ⁱⁿˢᵉʳᵗ)Where stories live. Discover now