Chapter 1-Trip for 4 to Regina,Saskatchewan

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Let's get this book started :D Already have an idea for the sequel!!!

Holly on the side BTW


Chapter 1

Trip for 4 to Regina, Saskatchewan

"Sidney you need to come out sooner or later sweetie" Mom placed a light knock on the door, there's no way I'm going out of here especially after what happened. "Sidney please you’re scaring us"

 The next that happens is that I hear big thumps and knocks on my door obviously mom would call them.

  "SIDNEY IT'S KAYLA AND HOLLY YOU OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" I ignored their yelling, swearing and every attempt to get me out of my room. Even with me ignoring and not replying to them they didn't give up and that kept going for 2 hours.

  "I'm here" I've never been so happy in my whole life to hear that voice of my cousin who I've always treated as my brother. "Sidney come on op-"Just like that I opened the door and jumped on Scott crying harder. "Calm down Sid, he's a jerk for what he did you know you deserve better than that"

  "Wow so she opens the door for Scott but when we ask for her to open the door we get the silent treatment."

  "Sidney stop crying right now" Scott’s voice was stern and serious; I tried to keep the tears and whimpers in me.  "Come on Sid I took a plane from Detroit to Regina and drove all the way from here in an hour flat. Speeding in winter driving at 110km/per hour and you’re still going to cry. At least tell me the whole story if you won’t tell your mom and the devils.”

 “How dare you!” Kayla snaps slapping his arm non-stop with Holly holding her back even though it was at her too.

  Scott walked into my room locking the door as I started to explain what happened to him.

  12 am

“Adam Lowry correct?” I rapidly hugged Adam’s arm tighter and more protectively as the Strawberry blond walked over, obviously drunk.

 “Aren’t you Smith's girlfriend?” I questioned her with a glare but she just smirked looking Adam up and down, moving a little bit closer faster than expected.

 “Was actually.”I received the death glare before she continued. “Hi I’m Christina” Adam removed his arm from my grip to shake her hand with a smirk on his face as well. I hated this place and if I knew that it was going to be full of Adam’s teammates and friends I would have made the decision to say I had homework and test to study for but instead I was being the stupid me and came.

 “Addy I think I should be getting home, mom and dad will be worried”

 Christina snickered than shifting her weight to one leg crossing her arms in front of her chest. “Swift Current girl eh? They’re all so innocent” The way she said that made it seem like girls from Swift Current were bad guess that’s what I get for coming out to Regina.

 I ignored her rude encounter to me, “Adam please” A small pout played across my face as he finally made eye contact with me instead of checking Christina out.

 “I’ll get you home; I promise just wait for me I’ll be right back Sidney”

 “I trust you” I did, Adam knows everything about me and I guess he was actually the first guy that I slept with in my whole life. It’s like trusting your husband, you sleep with him and you expect him to be yours forever and always.

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