Chapter 2-Unlucky

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Chapter 2


So as expected Scott goes to his tryouts,Holly and Kayla tag along, while I stayed in the room with all the lights off. That Strome guy apparently thought I was dead according to my sources which are never accurate (Kayla and Holly). Either way I decided to believe them since he called me a guy and him thinking I was dead isn't a shocker.

Tonight however, was Scott's last tryout and the girls weren't sure if he was going to make it or not even though he passed all the cuts. They stayed back with me in case he didn't make that way it makes it look like they actually spent time with me in Regina. Here we are, three single girls watching From Prada to Nada on Netflix.

Holly adjust herself so she is looking at me."Okay chica here's the deal," I liked this part, it was the part where the youngest finds out her 'boyfriend' is actually married eventually we end up the same way, cheated on and heartbroken forever except she get's the man of her dreams. I finally direct my attention to Holly with my sulking face on. "If Scott makes the team, you're getting out of this room and coming with us to his practices and games. If he doesn't we'll leave you alone for the rest of our winter break that means you can cry and sulk all you want without any interruptions"

"Me? Weeping and dying alone without any interruptions? Deal" I shook both of their hands and we returned to watching the movie. The next thing I hear is this stampede noise in the hallway which is preventing me from hearing the movie on my laptop. I paused the movie ready to explode on those stupid little 14 year old cheerleader girls who've been running down this hall way knocking on everyone's door since they knew that there were hockey players staying on the 1st and 2nd floor.

"Sidney let it go" Kayla moaned, even though she knew I would still ignore her regardless of what she says.

"Haha, Yeah Night Strome" I opened the door and at the same time Scott stood there yelling across the hall to the Strome idiot. Turns out it wasn't the cheerleading girls', in fact it was the U-20 boys' running back to wait to see if they made it or not.

"god you guys sound like those stupid obsessed cheerleaders that have been running down this hall trying to get your ass holes to open your doors" Scott looked offended and gave me the stink eye before brushing past me and walking into the room.

"Once I'm selected you guys are getting your own room you know that right?"

"Right and you're paying for it" Holly snorts while hitting play on the movie to ignore Scott. Kayla immediately paused it because she knew my love for the movie.

"Whatever ,after all I did drag you Banshee's along. I'm taking a shower if the coach just magically decides that I'm the goalie tell him there's a slight delay for him to announce it and If he threaten to remove me from my spot...I'll leave the bathroom door open just swing it and I'll know what's going on."

"ew."Kayla states flatly while furrowing her eye brows. Scott slams the bathroom door shut leaving me at the front door all alone. I take one last peek outside seeing all the guys saying 'G'night' to each other and shutting their doors leaving the hallways empty.

"Hey guys play the movie; I'm going to go get some hot chocolate from the lounge"

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