Chapter 4-Smile

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Chapter 4


"Wake up losers.” Kayla threw her two pillows at both Holly and mine head to get up. I know that I'll have to help nurse Holly and her hangover all day today. On the bright side, I was happy to get up and get going to watch the practice after all hockey and sports were and are my life.

Kayla had her blond hair pulled back in a ponytail along with her favourite white jeans, a blue blouse, and high heel boots.

"Alrighty." Sadly, I knew I had to take the covers off. Holly started groaning once she realized she was in hangover mode.

"Why the hell did I drink so much?" Holly repeatedly banged her head on the pillow.

"It’s alright Hol, Mark thought you were high on something every time he saw you on top of the table dancing.” Kayla confessed then turning to me as if she had more dirt on Holly. “OH sweetheart Sidney, she got a tattoo." Ever since we were 14, Holly has wanted a tattoo even when I tried to convince her not to, she didn't buy it. Now according to Kayla she went behind my back and got one. I still don't understand why they have to go clubbing every single night we are here. It is the 3rd day, my past songs and presents have been wonderful but you'd expect the girls to catch on.

"Where?" I said turning to look at Holly who was glaring at Kayla for informing me.

"My hip bone, It's a heart shape with words see..." She lifted her shirt to reveal the words Strength, Believe, Family, Courage, Live, and Hope forming the heart shape then LOVE in the middle.

"At least it's a reasonable tattoo, you're an adult and I can't control your actions" I admitted. Running my hand through my hair, I thought about the tattoo and her parent’s reaction.

"Hey, let’s get going now that you both are up eh?" Kayla rushed.

"Yeah." I agreed, getting out of the bed and walking to the bathroom. "On the bright side you didn't get 'Love Mark'." I joked, cracking smiles on both of their faces. I decided to go with some sweat pants and my Vancouver Whitecaps sweatshirt that my aunt got for me.

We got moving and went downstairs to the cafe to get something to eat while we waited for Scott to come back from the arena to inform us on what’s going on. After 3 pancakes, we see their bus pull up and guys carrying their hungry and tired bodies to the cafe.

"Thank you for that,” Kayla takes a Tim Horton frozen Lemonade from Dougie Hamilton while blushing. Does she have a crush?

"Super Sidney to the rescue," Scott pulled the hood back on my sweat shirt. "Scott, I have to protect her!" I kept swapping at his arm.

"Dougie's a great guy-"

"That's exactly what you said about the one that must not be named." I said bring up Harry Potter terms and my head to head motion with Scott.

'I mean it this time." I looked back forth at Kayla and Dougie to Scott. Giving in, I bite his hand and walk away to find Holly who was drinking hot chocolate.

"Here," Mark handed her a plastic bag.

"What is it?" Not a ring...

"The hangover kit," She started blushing like a manic." You did party hard last night and I don't blame you but you're going to need it for the bus ride"

"Bus ride?" I asked turning around to face Scott.

"We're leaving today, the girls packed the bags and stuff. You're taking the car with Kayla and what’s her face." Scott rushed through in one breath then went over to Gallagher to only join in and watch the hot chocolate drinking competition.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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