In the HQ at 2am (One-shot)

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*Dashi Vigorously types*

Dashi: *yawns*

*Peso climbs up the ladder really quietly*



Peso: Calm down! It's just me! <:)

Dashi: Peso!? What are you doing awake? You should've been in bed by 9!

Peso: I was going to ask you the same thing! It's getting really late.

Dashi: I'm still organising our habitat research reports! I'm also making sure our course runs smoothly.

Dashi: Oh but don't worry about me, Peso, you just go back to bed :)

Peso: I can't fall asleep . . . I-think I heard something. Whatever it was, it sounded like footsteps so I thought it was you . . .

Dashi: Footsteps? That's strange because I didn't leave this seat since 10pm . . . ?

Peso:  . . .

Peso: We'll discuss your movement habits later -_-

Peso: Anywho, can I sit here with you for a bit? Maybe help out? Just until you're ready to go to bed?

Dashi: Of course! I'd love some company!

Peso: Okay :D


Peso and Dashi: *screams*

Peso: W-W-What was that?!

Tweak rushing to the HQ: HI HELLO HI GUYS, HOW'S IT GOING!? *leaning on the dashboard, like nothing happened*

Dashi and Peso:  . . . ?

Dashi: Tweak? What happened? We heard a loud noise and-

Tweak: Scared?! I'm not SCARED!! I just came up here . . . to see if um . . . You needed any help!

Dashi: . . . Right

Dashi: Whatever that noise was or wherever it came from . . .

Dashi: We should probably check it out-

Tweak and Peso: NO!

Dashi: Guys, seriously, what if it's a creature that needs our help?

Tweak: It can survive, it has symbiosis or adaptations or something

Peso: W-What Tweak said.

Dashi: Fine, I'll go and you guys can stay here, okay?

Tweak and Peso: Okay.

*A loud, scary groaning noise bounces off the walls*

Tweak: *shiver goes up her spine*

Tweak: On seconds thoughts, I'll come with you

Peso: What T-Tweak said.

*In the kitchen*

*switches on light*

Dashi: What in the name of memory chips happened in here?

*pots and pans on the floor, spoons and forks impaled onto the backsplash*

Tweak: That's psychotic . . .

Peso: Guys- what if it's a ghost? O-Or a monster?!

Dashi: C'mon, you don't really believe a monster did this do you?

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