The Cricket Match (One-shot)

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Kwazii: YES! And not a second too late! We got the best seats in the house maties!

Barnacles: did everyone get a burger each?

Shellington: *grunts* Sorry . . . move please . . . scooching through . . . .

Shellington: *sits down next to Peso* Aye Captain! Mine has a bit too much mustard but it'll do!

Dashi: *sigh* What's so unbelievably great about cricket that made you boys get this hyped?

Kwazii: Hyped? What do you mean?

Paani: *with face paint on his face and waves a flag around* WOOO LET'S GOOOOO!!

Dashi: *raises eyebrow*

Kwazii: What! Cricket is AWESOME!

Tweak: For once, I kinda agree with Kwazii. Cricket is pretty solid. Can't beat basketball in a million years, but yeah, It's pretty nice to watch.

Shellington: I have NOT been paying attention. Which teams are playing?

Inkling: England and India

Inkling: But we obviously know who's going to win *winks at Paani* >:)))

Paani: Now, Professor, I don't pick sides!! I like England too!

Inkling: . . .

Paani: Buuut India's gonna win. 100% >:oooo

Inkling: You wish >:(

Barnacles: I hope we aren't fighting about who's going to win, we're all friends remember?

Dashi: See, this is the exact reason I don't watch sports. There's just too much arguing and ranting for my poor heart to handle 🥲

Koshi: This is a lie. You literally watch the girls netball AND you have biases.

Koshi: The other day, she yelled at the screen because she thought she saw "The Hurricane's wing attack pushed the Stinger's wing defence into going out of court."

Koshi: CLEARLY, she just fumbled with her footwork -_-

Dashi: Whaaaat? Noooo . . . . I don't remember that-

Everyone: . . . .

Dashi: Okay fine! But that was netball. This is cricket! A totally different sport.

Kwazii: Your point?

Dashi: *stammers* My point is, it's USELESS to watch.

Kwazii: Alright whatever. I know you'll change your mind when the drama happens >:)

Ryla: Drama? What Drama? Kwazii . . . If we wanted to see drama, we would've stayed home and binge-watched Home and Away -_-

Kwazii: Ha. Ha. Very funny, Ryla.

Kwazii: You'll see what I mean soon.

Pinto: Hey Koshi, should I run into the commentators room and take over the mic?!

Koshi: What? Are you insane?!

Pinto: Yes I am, but that's not relevant. Now answer the question.

Koshi: NO?!

Pinto: Yes? I heard yes. Thanks for your opinion! I'm going in. *jumps out of his seat and runs through the crowds of creatures*

Koshi: Pinto! Get back here you moron!

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