𝘾𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙤𝙣 𝘾𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜

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Clive the Centaur, along with his two assistants, Samir and Malintha, were starting their voyage into the darkest, most dreadful part of the forest. There would be no safe places, not even for centaurs, and the group of three needed to combine their powers if they wanted to survive.

They started their venture into Canyon Closing, but they decided that the footpath would have too many monsters lurking. 

They needed to predict a path that would be safest for Arya to take her journey, but that was nearly impossible, as the monsters working for the joker all had been protected with a special curse- one that also hid their scent from magical powers. 

But not all of the monsters in the forest were working for the joker- in fact- almost half of the monsters in the forest weren't, but they were all evil, regardless.

In Canyon Closing, though, the closer you got to the joker, or where he is presumed to be according to the prophecies, the more scary and evil the monsters get.

All of the monsters dwelling in the Joker's Canyon worked for the joker and obeyed all his commands. And there were hundreds of scary beasts living in his canyon, willing to tear anything into shreds in an instant. 

It was hopeless going anywhere near the joker without death, and that's why they went first.

Inside though, they knew they had to do everything possible for Arya to survive.

What they didn't know is that Arya didn't need as much protection as they thought.

They reached the entrance... or the exit? 

Large rock statues guarded all of the entrances, so they had to make their own...

The rock statues were giant moving statues of beasts to scare any good human out, but they were also deadly if you got too near them... and entering was not an option.

The statue, like all the other evil beasts in the forest, used their sense of smell to detect an enemy, and the centaur was a known enemy.

The group of centaurs split a narrow path through the bushes. If the path was narrow enough, it would not use up as much energy.

Clive stepped onto the path, as giant snakes slithered over his feet and hissed at him. 

The snakes were powerless in their younger form, all they could do was hiss to scare away enemies, but once they were the size of a fully grown man, they could strangle you to death in an instant.

Clive kept walking, unfazed, with Samir and Malintha right behind him. 

Malintha's foot was caught in a log-like thing-

Oh. Just a giant wood bug that has turned into a living piece of wood. Harmless.

They kept walking, scanning for anything that could possibly kill them. They had already walked about 10 feet into the forest, danger-free. That was a record, for sure.

They kept walking, sensing something very strange. No big animals had appeared in the forest at all! 

What was even happening?

Clive saw Jumkies in the distance, which are basically monkeys that can jump higher than buildings and will steal everything on you without you noticing. 

Otherwise they didn't try to hurt you, they just wanted everything you had.

The Jumkies came towards them, but when they realised they had nothing, they turned back around and hid in the trees.

Then Samir and Malintha heard a loud crack in the distance followed by a bird call.

They had been noticed by the joker.

° 𝘉𝘦𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘰𝘰𝘳 (𝘏𝘢𝘭𝘧𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘋𝘰𝘯𝘦!) °Where stories live. Discover now