who knew.

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hi loves sorry the last chapter was so short dw this one is decent size :))


He reluctantly takes her hand in his and looks away so Anya doesn't think he is blushing. She relaxes from her tense self. 

Once she had gotten a call from her dad that her secret police uncle was coming over for dinner she knew that meant she had to hide her parents secrets and hers. Last time he came over she slipped up and accidentally said something about spy agency work. She couldn't afford that. 

Not after she was so close to completing the mission.

Truth is....she was getting "sick". Everytime she looks at Damian her heart beats faster and whenever he grabs her hand she feels an electric shock travelling down her hand. And even more her face gets red and really warm whenever he says something nice about her or stares at her for too long. 

*time skip after they walk home*

*what should i do? do i hug her before she goes inside? do I wave?* So like the idiot he is, he waves to her face and then hugs her and immediately lets go. He didn't even look at her once, but if he did, he would've noticed Anya's extremely red face. 

She walks into their house, (they moved into a much bigger house), and sees uncle, Yor, and Loid sitting at the dining table. 

"Anya your here! Come join us!" as Yor motions for her to take a seat. 

*I'll tell mama about me being sick later* she thinks. 

At the dining table, Anya picks at her food and in between takes tiny bites.

However the adults seated are too busy conversing about their daily lives to notice. But when Yor is putting the dishes away, she looks at Anyas almost full plate and wonders whats wrong. 

As Loid and Yuri and laughing drunk in the living room she heads to Anyas room and sits down on her bed where Anya was reading a book. 

"ne-ne, Anya-san whats wrong?" she looks at her with a worried look.

"I think I'm sick mama....(she then explains all the "symptoms")



one kiss is all it takes - damianya / anyaxdamianWhere stories live. Discover now