Chapter 1

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Once upon a time Gods and Deities freely walked the mortals' world. Some showed themselves in their original appearance, others preferred to remain anonymous through the use of disguises and magic. All of them had a role to play. Ruling over every aspect of life and existence of the universe. Everyone had a different task, one no less important than another; that if only one piece were to go missing, the world would end in chaos.

Things weren't perfect, but despite the many disparities between normal people and the immortal Gods, for the most part peace reigned.

That was until the Goddess of Feelings and All Emotions, Nim, fell in love with a mortal human. For many years they lived happily together, but the natural condition of one of them was to grow old and eventually die, while the other remained unchanged by the passage of time. The human could not accept it. He soon became jealous of the Goddess' powers and his perception of reality distorted. He began to think that if she couldn't share his immortality, she could at least use her control over emotions to make him perpetually happy. Nim refused to create such a monstrosity, but that didn't stop her ex-lover from trying to get what he wanted by force. Exploiting the feelings she still had towards him, he attacked her and managed to seriously injure her.

That was the first time a mortal dared to assault a God.

Deeply wounded in both body and soul, Nim deprived the mortal of all his emotions and instincts, leaving his empty shell to slowly die from lack of willpower to live. Even though she had gotten her revenge, she gained no relief from it. Her pain was too great and deep to just disappear any time soon. She no longer wanted to have anything to do with the mortal world, but at the same time she refused to run away in defeat. She was too weak to reach the immortal plane and she still had her job as a Goddess that couldn't be left unattended, so she decided to fuse her body with that of the largest tree in the forest and created two guardians to protect her while she slept: Nightmare, Guardian of Negativity and his twin brother Dream, Guardian of Positivity.

However, her plan presented a serious problem: the two spirits she had given life to, despite their impressive magical abilities, were innocent children, with no experience of the world and no one to guide them. It was inevitable that something would go wrong.

Over time the tree of Nim became known as The Tree of Feelings, over time the Gods became more cautious in exposing themselves to the mortal world, over time the greed of some threw the world into a dark age of fear and hatred. Over time peace returned, but it wasn't the end of the story yet, only the start. The conflict hovered just below the surface of pretty facades and false tranquility, ready to rekindle the flames of vengeance and burn everything with it.

It turned out children shouldn't have to bear such heavy responsibilities.


The cold wind blew through the trees on the outskirt of the town, swaying the bare, withered branches. A cacophony of eerie sounds rose as it passed with howls and creaks that certainly didn't make the area more welcoming. The place was nothing special, it was a small forest squeezed between two big cities. Really, "forest" was quite the stretch. It was mainly composed of weeds, thorns and shriveled plants that fought for every strip of ground and sky they could find. A unkept land that no one wanted.

There were no paths that crossed its borders. And really, it was to be expected, who would ever want to enter? The only human presence was given by the heaps of garbage scattered along its borders. Someone had even decided to use it as an illegal landfill. In short: half-dead trees, mountains of stinking garbage and the cold winter wind. The premises did not suggest visitors coming anytime soon.

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