Chapter 11.5- To Know More About You

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Toya's father has watched his son's behavior for the past three days and noticed something different. Usually, when he and Toya have dinner, he talks about multiple subjects before he finishes his food and leaves. Instead, Toya would only ramble about (Y/n). Ever since then, the father has been skeptical about (Y/n). He always thinks she cast a spell on his son, which she did; however, there was no reason for him to be thinking so hard since, in reality, Toya was developing feelings for her. The father sighed and thought harder about the situation.

Perhaps he's using (Y/n) to distance himself from him. Perhaps his son was using (Y/n) as an excuse to hang out with his friends. Or maybe they were even planning a plot to end his own life.

The more he thought, the more insane the answers became. No matter what, the father needed to solve the mystery he had created.


You know what that means, another new chapter is coming out today! Heck, I may post two chapters today.

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