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   when donghyuck realized what situation he was in, he pulled away, but miyong only looked at him drunkenly, reaching to kiss him again. before she could, miyong's body was pried off of donghyuck's, a weight being literally and figuratively lifted off of him. 

   to the silver haired male's surprise, mark held her up and saved him from being kissed again. donghyuck wiped his lips, sighing as he watched miyong fall asleep in mark's arms. "where's doyoung?" mark asked. the look on his face made it seem like he was annoyed or mad—most likely both.

   "h-he's outside," he answered timidly, wanting to slap himself for stuttering in front of mark. "open the door," mark ordered. donghyuck didn't bother to complain about how mark was bossing him around as he had just done him two favors. this first being saving him from crashing to the ground, and the second being getting kissed by miyong again.

   donghyuck pushed the door open and noticed doyoung with the car placed in front of the door. he shot donghyuck a worried look when he noticed mark behind him with miyong's body in his arms. the youngest male made a gesture explaining that she was drunk and helped mark bring her body out of the restaurant. "you go ahead, i'll bring her to her car," mark said when donghyuck had helped him enough. 

   "are you sure?" donghyuck asked, hesitant to just leave miyong up to mark. "go on," the raven haired male nodded. "i'm strong enough to bring a woman to her car," he said. though weary, donghyuck slid into the backseat of his car, exchanging a few words about explaining later to doyoung.

   as their car drove off, mark brought miyong to hyunwoo and adjusted her into her seat. hyunwoo thanked him for his kind gesture and bowed to mark before getting in the driver's seat. rather than going back inside immediately, mark leaned against a pillar, running a hand through his hair as he sighed. right when he was about to go back and return to the group of people who were most likely waiting for him, he heard voices from miyong's car and realized that they hadn't left yet.

   although he knew that he shouldn't, he crept closer to the car, staying hidden as he leaned towards it to listen. he didn't know what it was, but something about the entire situation was just so wrong, so he began recording the conversation on his phone. 

   "you got the picture, right?" he heard miyong ask. oddly enough, she didn't sound drunk at all and her words were formed perfectly. "of course. i'll have it published as the top liner on dispatch by noon tomorrow," hyunwoo replied.

   mark stood by the car, hoping to catch any more interesting news. unlike he hoped, they didn't talk much and a few moments later, the car drove off. mark crept out of hiding and stopped the recording. "kang miyong...," mark waited until the vehicle was out of view, "what the fuck are you planning?" 


   "mark already agreed to the role?" donghyuck stood up from his seat, gaping in disbelief. doyoung nodded, intertwining his fingers together as he thought. "let's just give it a minute though. i spoke with the director and he said that he would still love to cast you if he can. they called in today to accept the role so there's still time for things to change," he explained.

   donghyuck closed his eyes, momentarily imagining mark as the lead while he played a supporting character. everytime the scene cut, he could see mark coming over to him to rub in his face the fact that he was right and donghyuck couldn't land the most important role. seeing the stupid smirk in his head alone gave him chills, and he decided then that he would never come to terms with such a situation. 

   "when did mark say that he would do it and why hasn't the company released a statement on it yet?" donghyuck asked. "the director said mark's manager called in earlier this evening but asked for the information to not be given to the public yet. apparently mark was waiting for the right time or something," doyoung said, telling donghyuck everything he knew.

scripted | markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now