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   after donghyuck found about the scandal, he pretty much lost it. "fucking mark lee," he gritted his teeth, causing doyoung to grow concerned. "what does the scandal have to do with him?"

   donghyuck suddenly realized that doyoung hardly knew about anything that happened that night, so he quickly explained the situation from helping miyong out of the restaurant and running into mark, to getting kissed by miyong while mark was the only other one there. "i knew it, that has to be why he was being nice to me."

   "calm down over there," doyoung said, eyes glued to the road. "what if you're mistaken?" "i'm not," donghyuck replied confidently, "and the timing was just right too. i get an opportunity for the same role that he wants, so he drops a scandal to lower my chances. you have to admit it hyung, the timing is just too perfect for him." he looked over to see doyoung drumming the steering wheel with his fingers while pulling up at a red light. what irked him, was the fact that doyoung didn't look all convinced.

   donghyuck frowned, "you don't believe me, hyung?" doyoung glanced at him before checking the review mirrors. "i think we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves without any evidence," he said. to donghyuck, that translated to; no, i don't believe you.

   the younger male sulked, crossing his arms over his chest and sighing. sure maybe he was stubborn and often called hard-headed, but he couldn't help but think it had been mark. who else would benefit from such a scandal?

   when they pulled up to a stop, donghyuck finally looked up. "what are we doing at my house?" he questioned. doyoung turned off the engine and sat back, turning to donghyuck. "all your schedules are cancelled until further notice. the best you can do right now is wait for me to arrange a meeting with hyunwoo and see what happens. assuming all goes well, we'll need multiple articles covering this story and a final press conference to finish it up. it should be over in about four to five days so don't stress too much."

   donghyuck gaped at him. "four to five days? hyung i know you're doing your best best the camera test in in three days and if this doesn't end by then—"

   "lee donghyuck," doyoung spoke sharply. "unless you listen and do exactly as i say, there will be no camera test to even worry about. i'll try everything i can, okay? but your just going to have to listen to me for now." the silver haired male felt like crying but tried not to let it get to him. "i understand," he said tiredly.

   doyoung smiled apologetically and pat him on the back. "you should hurry up before the interviewers and such show up," he handed donghyuck his things. "you're not coming with me?" donghyuck asked. the older nodded, "i have to go back to the company and...," he coughed, "take care of a few things."

   guilt sank in while donghyuck realized he had just created more work for doyoung. he wanted to apologize but doyoung didn't like hearing apologies as they didn't change anything. "okay, i'll be going," donghyuck tried to smiled, grabbing his things and leaving the car. 

   alone, he entered the flat and set down his things, laying down on his bed. he left his phone with doyoung so there was nothing to do. of course he could practice the script, but in his current position, he didn't really want to think about it. feeling bored and defeated, donghyuck curled up in his bed and cried himself to sleep.


   donghyuck was woken up three hours later when doyoung let himself in and softly woke him up. "haechan ah, i set up a meeting with hyunwoo," he said. donghyuck stirred awake and when doyoung set eyes on him, his heart clenched. the twenty two year old male had red eyes and a puffy face. his hair had gotten messy from sleeping and his face showed so much tiredness.

scripted | markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now