Diane/Oc (II)

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Patient pt. 2

Trying my hardest to keep all the part twos, threes, or even fours together so bare with me. Ps, this chapter is a lil bit longer

P.p.s [SPOILER] the bathroom scene (in here) is so cheesy but it looked good in my head

"You are an asshole, my nigga." Londyn looks down as she got grilled by her ex girlfriend. Her and her ex had a tight friendship despite them being separated, "And you bagged one of the baddest females at our school, nigga." Maria says in disbelief. Londyn nods, "I know, Rico, I fucked up and shi hurts because I didn't mean it like that—" "Well, you had to mean it in some type of way because it wouldn't have came out of yo mouth." Maria cuts her off, "Nigga, think about it! You and D been together for two, almost three years. You took her virginity. You two love each other and I can tell how much she loves you and then you go pull some stupid shit like this, mannn I tell you. You niggas ain't shi. You ass need to apologize ASAP, no muhfuckin Rocky." She rants, slapping Londyn upside her head.

Londyn massages her temples, "Don't you think I'm trying to do that?! I've called her so many times and even though Mrs. Johnson doesn't know what's going on, she's not letting me near Diane because she didn't want another repeat of two, almost three weeks ago! And, I can hang it up with Mr. Johnson, nigga gon tear me limb from limb cuz he already don't like my family. I hurt his baby daughter? Grave. Cemetery the beautiful, the fuck." She snaps. Maria shakes her head, "Damn. Christmas break almost over, approach her in school." She says.

Londyn clears her throat, "There are um- there are sharp objects literally everywhere at school." She says. Maria snorts, "A hospital trip will due yo ass sum good." She mutters, "I'm surprised muhfuckin Mrs. Johnson nem ain't kno about you being gay as hell and in the same room with their daughter with the door closed." Maria says, completely confused. Londyn snickers, "Cuz, u gotta finesse the system. At school, I dress like a thug. When I go to her house, I'm dressed like 90s Aaliyah, you gotta rig the system." She says making Maria laugh, "The same shit you pulled wit my mama and dad, damnnn!" She laughs out, "And til this day, they still ain't know we was fuckin..." Maria says with a thoughtful look, "Why you goin so hard on shordy to come out though? You really ain't care if I didn't." She asks, genuinely confused.

Londyn let out an aggravated sigh as she sat down on Maria's bed, "Because man. I don't know what she's so worried about. They didn't get mad when they found out Andre was experimenting to see if he was gay. Plus, I want to be able to just... I want to hold her without her fear of her brothers catching us in the hallways. I want to kiss her without her pulling away every three seconds because we're in public. I know I'm in highschool man, but I wanna get married to this girl one day. Rico, I wanna marry this girl." Maria's facial expression softened watching her ex talk about Diane, "And it's like... I hate this shi, I hate hiding how I feel for D. I want everyone to know. But, she doesn't. Maybe it's for the best, maybe we ain't compatible..." Londyn mumbles. Her eyes were downcast and she played with her collar.

Maria looked shocked, "Nigga, I just heard you pour your fuckin heart out about this girl and you sayin you not compatible, what?!" She asks in disbelief, "Nigga, just because she's not out don't mean it's the end of the world! You're so head over heels for this girl that I was shocked at what the fuck you told me you did at her house. But, one thing I do know after being with you for a year, is that it wasn't intentional. But, yo ass need to start kissin up if you want yo girl back. And watch how you talk to ole girl." Maria says. Londyn nods slowly, "You're right. Damn, what would I do without you, Rico? Rico Nastyyy." She teases making Maria flash a blank face expression, "That's not funny, nigga." She says. A few days had passed and now Londyn and Maria stood side by side, looking at Diane who was leaned against her locker, talking to her brother,

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