Diane/Oc (X)

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Rumor Has It pt. 2

Bow frowns, analyzing the censored video of the party incident with Kamikaze. The video starts with two guys bringing Kamikaze upstairs, but she could barely hold herself up and placing her on the bed. Then, it quickly cuts to the scene. Kamikaze's eyes weren't closed all the way. Now managed to get a good look at her eyes before she quickly closed out of Instagram and leaned back in her seat with her hand under her chin, "Oh my god." Bow mutters just as Jack and Diane walked into the kitchen.

Junior, who was already sitting in front of his mother tilts his head slightly, "What's up, mom?" He asks. Bow shakes her head, "That girl was raped." She says in disbelief. Jack raises an eyebrow, "Who?" He asks. Bow glances over at Jack, "That Kamikaze girl. She was raped." She says simply. Junior and Diane's eyes widened in disbelief, "How would you know, mom?" She asks in confusion. Bow leans in, "Remember when I asked for the censored version of that video because I said something wasn't right?" Jack and Diane nodded,

"In the video, this girl was already out of it. She could barely hold herself up as those boys took her upstairs. And, a little into the video I looked at her eyes, they were red." Bow mutters. Junior shrugs, "She could have easily been high." He points out. Bow nods, "I thought that too, but too many signs point to her being drugged. Slurred speech, she lost balance, tried to tell the boys over and over again that she couldn't breathe, my guess, it could've been anti-depressants, GHB or Rohypnol." Jack looks down with a frown,

"I knew something was up. That was the same party you told Diane and I not to go to, and next thing you know, everyone is dogging Kaze out." He stated softly. Bow shook her head, "And I'm glad I did make you two stay. I don't know how I would've lived with myself if something like this happened to Diane. I don't even know how her parents are taking it."

"She doesn't have any." Jack says, "Well, she does, but they're never around." He says. Bow leans back in her seat, "And how exactly do you know this?" She asks sternly. Jack winced, "We... used to hang out at one point." He admits, "She was sweet and super kind and smart. Amazingly smart." Jack says, "One day, her friend tells us about this party and she was so adamant about Kaze going with her. Like, unnaturally adamant. That was the last time I really talked to Kaze. I didn't want to be friends with her after what I thought she did." He finishes.

Bow nods, "Now that I think about it, if what you're saying is true, mom, I really feel like her best friend at that time set her up." Jack says seriously. Diane frowns slightly,

"You don't seem like the type to do that."

"Because I'm not."

"This girl should have pressed charges. Diane, how does she act?" Bow asks. Diane shrugs slightly, "She's really quiet, especially when she talks. She hates eye contact, everytime someone gets near her, she flinches. She especially hates any type of physical con...tact, oh my god..." The more Diane talked, the more it started to click, "That girl is traumatized. She's scarred." Bow says, "My god, if I could hug that poor girl, I would." She says.

The kids could tell how distraught Bow was. Rape was a serious and sensitive topic and hearing that a girl got raped and people are avoiding her, making fun of her and dogging her out made Bow's heart ache. And, to hear she has no paternal figure present in her life only made Bow feel worse, "If it makes you feel better, mom. Kaze and I are going to be working on our project here later today." Diane says, shooting Kaze a quick text,

At your place? Send me the address

Bow nods, "That does ease my nerves a bit, I guess." She says softly before standing up and going upstairs. Jack frowns, "I feel horrible. Kaze was raped. I-I thought-" "Every did, Jack. Don't be too harsh on yourself..." Diane says softly. Jack rubs his eyes, trying to make it seem like he wasn't on the verge of crying, "I was her friend, Diane." He says, his voice cracking slightly, "And, I couldn't protect her. Instead, I hurt her. I avoided her, I belittled her, not knowing how much she was suffering..." Jack says. Junior frowns, "Now is your chance to make that up to her, Jack. Be the friend you weren't before, now." He says as Jack roughly rubbed his eyes. Diane nods, trying not to look at her twin about to bust into tears, "You're right." Jack says, "I-I can do that." He mutters unsurely.

Later that day...

Andre and Bow looked at the two girls doing their project. Kaze on the floor and Diane on the couch. Bow watched Kaze's every movement. The way she tapped her pen when she was thinking of an answer to an equation, the way she tensed up everytime Jack or Diane talked to her, the way she avoided eye contact and just started at her paper.

Bow hated it.

It took everything in Bow not to go into mommy mode, "It's ok, baby." Andre says. Bow shakes her head, "Look at her, Dre. Look at how she's acting, no child should even have to act like this in a safe environment." She says shakily. Andre nods, "And I get that, Bow. But, what can we do?" He asks.

"Kaze?" Jack says. Kamikaze clears her throat nervously, slightly shifting, "Um, yeah?" She says. Jack dropped his head, "I'm sorry." He says softly, "For the past year, I had been such a horrible friend to you. I can't make it up to you, but I do want to make it better with you." Jack says. Kamikaze blinks slightly, "Why... Why all of sudden? Why now, Jack?" She asks, her voice raising slightly. This caught the family's attention, "You think I want your apology? I don't. You want to know why? Because if really hurt when you cut me off!" Kamikaze says angrily,

"You showed your true colors showed that day. You were never a friend to me. Apparently, nobody was after that day." Kamikaze says. Jack looks away, patting his chest slightly. Diane looks at Jack, "Go upstairs, Jack." She says. Not because she was mad at Jack, but because she knew he didn't want to cry in front of everyone. He felt awful, that much Diane knew. Jack nods and jogs upstairs. Kamikaze huffs and closes her folder, "I'm just gonna go." She says, her voice reverting back to its original tone, "I'll finish the damn project, we'll turn it in, easy A." Kamikaze says, packing her bag.

Diane places a hand on Kamikaze's, "You don't have to. This is a team project, we're finishing it as a team." She says. Kaze felt her face and whole body heat up at Diane's intense gaze, "I-I-I um-" Kamikaze let out a rough sigh, "Okay." She says lowly.

Literally getting nowhere with this one-shot because I keep tryna form a damn plot, I need to stop💀

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