Diane/Oc (IV)

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Home Alone pt. 1

A/n request by @baby_zaddy_money but be warned I am NOT good at smut💀 I deadass try to avoid it😂 kinda sorta been puttin this one off a while cuz of that

Diane looks down at her phone for the 10th time since she sent that text. She knew what she was doing, she also knew that her parents and siblings weren't going to be home til tomorrow afternoon. She and Rhapsody hadn't been intimate and they had been going strong for about two years. She knew her girlfriend had been craving that type of attention from her and Diane would be lying if she said she wasn't craving the same thing. With them now being seniors in high school, she felt as if she was ready to take that step with Rhapsody. Diane wasn't a virgin by a long shot, she made that mistake by giving it up to a guy who she thought wanted her for her, but just wanted to fuck.

Diane jumps slightly when she heard a knock on her window. She blows an irritated breath as she sees the goofy smile on Rhapsody's face. The 17-year-old walks over to the window and lifts it up, "Did I scare you?" She asks. Diane could basically hear the smirk in the younger girl's tone. Diane huffs, "Do you not know how to use the damn door?" She asks. Rhapsody raises her hands in defense, "My bad, princess. I thought yo people was here." She says.

Diane shakes her head, "They went out to celebrate Junior getting into Zoey's old college. I stayed back because... I wanted to be alone with you." She says softly. The Afro-Tongan descent grins, "I knew you missed me." She teases. Diane bites her lip, "More than you could imagine." She says, gently touching Rhapsody's toned stomach. The taller girl raises an eyebrow, "You gettin a lil seggsual, D." She jokes. Diane shrugs, "Maybe that's what I'm trying to do, Mani." She says simply. Eponi Taimani was Rhapsody real first and middle name, means 'Ebony' or 'Black Diamond' in Tongan. She lived with her dad whom is Tongan-Samoan descent.

Rhapsody was a nickname given to her by her, now deceased, mother who said when she was was little was a hyper active child, couldn't keep still for the life of her. She still is.

Rhapsody's jaw slacked, "O-Oh, for real?" She stutters out, shifting around. Diane could tell by the look in her girlfriend's eyes, she was excited. Diane nodded, trying to suppress her smile, "I'm ready, baby. My parents and siblings aren't gonna be home until tomorrow afternoon." She says, tugging the hem of Rhapsody's sweats. Even with her dark complexion, Diane knew that the taller girl was flustered. Rhapsody pats herself, "Baby, I don't even have condoms." She says lowly. Diane grips the sides of her girlfriend's wifebeater, "Pull out." She says. Rhapsody was about to kiss Diane but pauses, "What if I hurt you?" She asks in a worried tone. Diane couldn't help but smile, "I can take it." She says. Rhapsody places her hands on the shorter girl's waist, "You sure your parents ain't gonna be home tonight? Cuz ima wear yo ass out. Tonight and tomorrow mornin too." She says lowly. Diane hums, "You doin a lot of talking." She teases.

Andre smiles, "To Junior! My son!" He says, clinking glasses with Jack, Junior, Zoey and Bow. Zoey hums, "Too bad Diane didn't want to come. I wonder why she stayed back." She says, placing her hand on her chin. Jack grins, "Probably to throw a party." He jokes. Junior snorts, "Diane and party can't even begin to go in the same sentence." He says. Bow nods, "Junior's right. But, I do feel like we should head home early. I forgot I had a PTA meeting in the morning." She states. Junior frowns, "Man, that sucks." He says. Bow nods, "Also, we have to check on Diane." She says. Zoey laughs, "Diane is 17, almost 18, mom. I'm pretty sure she can take care of herself." She says. Bow pouts, "I know. But, that's still my baby." She states, "I wonder what she's doing now? Probably bored out of her mind, why did I let her stay home by herself?" Bow rants

Diane's jaw slacked, "Oh god." She whimpers. Rhapsody pins both of the melanin when she notices Diane trying push her away, "Nah nah, take that shi."  Rhapsody mutters, placing one hand on Diane's waist, burying herself deeper inside of the shorter girl. Diane gasps, "Mani, I-I can't-"

Andre opens the front door, "Diane, we're back!" He says, letting his family walk in the house before he closed and locked the door. It was silent. Zoey furrows her eyebrows, "Do you think she's sleep?" She asks. Jack shakes his head, "Diane doesn't go to sleep this early. She's probably doing homework or something with her headphones in." He states obviously.

Rhapsody bites her lip to prevent herself from moaning, "What was all that you was sayin earlier?" She teases, "How you can take it?" Rhapsody continues ignoring the girl's pleads, "Fuck, Taimani!" Diane cried out as the taller girl gently pushes her head down into the pillow, "I can't, stop! Mani, please"

Andre pauses, "Did... Did you just hear what I heard?" He asks. The family went quiet. Jack furrows his eyebrows after hearing, what seemed like Diane's voice, yell "stop". The boys were the first to rush upstairs, thinking that their sister/daughter was hurt.

Rhapsody's body tensed up, "Fuck, D." She mumbles, feeling herself near her climax. Diane gasps as Rhapsody sped up. She tried to move but the lighter skin girl had her pinned, "Nah nah, don't run from it." Diane felt herself nearing her second high, "Stoppp." She whined out, "Mani stop, baby, stop."

Just then, the door swung open. Rhapsody almost immediately gets off of Diane, fallling out of the bed on accident. Diane covers herself up, "What the-?" "What the fuck are you doin to my sister?!" Junior asks. By then, Rhapsody already had put back on her boxers. Before Rhapsody could answer, Jack was already swinging on her, "Jack stop! Junior, dad!" Diane shouts as all three of the males threw punches at Rhapsody who refused to fight back. Zoey's eyes dart between Diane and Rhapsody before it clicked, "Guys, get off of her!" Zoey shouts, rushing over to pull Junior off of Rhapsody. Now rushed towards Andre, but Jack kept swinging, "Aye man, chill!" Rhapsody shouts, curling up into a ball.

Jack finally stops before looking around. Diane wraps herself up in her sheet and quickly makes her way to the shaking Rhapsody. She got down on her knees and put Rhapsody head on her thigh. She knew the younger girl choose not to fight back, but she also knew that basically getting jumped by her brothers triggered something in her which explains why she was shaking, "It's okay, baby. It's okay." Diane whispers, holding her girlfriend close.

Andre looks at the duo in disbelief, "Diane Johnson! What the hell is going on here?!" He asks angrily. Diane cringes before looking up at her family, knowing she'd have to explain.

A/n thanks for the 1k fkn coons

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