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You wake with a pounding head and aching throat. The nausea remains and you could drain a small lake with your thirst.

Instead, you shuffle slightly and open your eyes. You're no Sherlock Holmes but you're obviously in a hospital bed, it's too sanitary and white to be anything else. Actually speaking of which, he currently sits on a chair by your side, blue eyes piercing into your own. He doesn't move and you suspect John has something to do with this due to his currently using Sherlock's head as a pillow to sleep on. You raise your eyebrows, suggestively glancing between the two of them and Sherlock's eyes narrow, daring you to say a word.

Smiling, you adjust yourself to be sitting upright, letting out a small groan as you feel the ache ripple through your body. This is normal after an episode- for you at least. Having John sit up suddenly and both of them lean worriedly over you is not. You like it though, it means on some level they care. You relax and so do they, and you wait for someone to speak.

"That was interesting" says Sherlock finally and you snort.

"Seriously? That's the best you can do?" You laugh and he scowls

"Well I'm not wrong- it's interesting being drenched in water in preparation for electrocution then being dragged down a train line by your bound wrist only to relax then have someone pass out on you" he remarks and you punch him lightly

"Ow" he looks mildly affronted and it's your turn to scowl.

"Drama Queen"

"Withholder of information" he stabs back and you guffaw

"Ok ladies that'll do" interjects John while rubbing his temples. "(Y/n)- does that happen a lot?"

"Now and then" you shrug and he rolls his eyes to the heavens.

"Was that a panic attack?"

"Of a sort. Think more defence mechanism."


"Ah indeed"

He stares a little and Sherlock looks suddenly serious

"(Y/n) we need to know what triggers them" he says solemnly and you lean back

"Why?" You ask defensively

"Because I think they're triggered by sound, hence the loud train which is about the time you started acting funny and the school bell inquiry towards John last week. I also think they're stress related which would indicate an emotional beginning-" Sherlock mulls out loud.

"Sherlock stop-" says John quietly but his friend ignores him.

"Considering what we know about your relationship with Moriarty, I would assume that is the root cause so-"

"Sherlock look-"

"The auditory part doesn't make sense however unless... unless sound was used as the stressor" he finally stops and looks down as John holds your shaking form.

"Sherlock, I've always wanted to say this but shut up" the shorter one says.

You sniffle quietly and Sherlock's face softens.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), that was tactless" he says quietly and you nod.

"Yeah well you're not wrong" you say with a husky voice, reaching for some water. Sherlock hands it to you silently and you sip, coughing when the doors suddenly burst open.

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